Batman Returns

Movie 1992
Marty Kline
Production Illustrator
Worked on Hocus Pocus 2, TeleVision, Dune, and 41 other projects.
Harry Walton
Optical Effects
Worked on The Misfits, Mara, The Last Sharknado: It's About Time, and 61 other projects.
Andrea Losch
Digital Effects Animator
Worked on Warcraft: The Beginning, Ant-Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and 17 other projects.
Glenn Neufeld
Video Image Crew
Worked on Evil, Barry, Krypton, and 30 other projects.
Jim Rygiel
Digital Effects Supervisor
Worked on Modern Love Tokyo, The Orville, Amazing Stories, and 55 other projects.
Michael Talarico
First Assistant Visual Effects Camera
Worked on Moana 2, Wish, Strange World, and 46 other projects.
Steve Kosakura
Location / Stage Motion Control Cameraman
Worked on Cliffhanger, Dinosaur, The Cable Guy, and 16 other projects.
Douglas Moore
Miniature Set Fabrication & Operation

Studio credits