Asuka Falling Out / Elvgren Study

Sep 17, 2015  •   •  20 views
"Be careful on July the fourth It pays to stop and think. Don´t play with firecrack... Read more
    • Oliver Wetter
      "Be careful on July the fourth
      It pays to stop and think.
      Don´t play with firecrackers or
      you´ll end up in the drink."

      Another Elvgren study, this time with Asuka Langley from Neon Genesis Evangelion. The challenging part in this piece was to not only get the angry emotion of Asuka to match the 50ies pinup style, but also to twist the whole story by turning the canoe into Eva 02 ;)
      I hope you like.

      Patreons will exclusively get process steps and a NSFW version of this piece.
      124 months ago