
Jun 5, 2015  •  21 views
New mashup for warm-up today - really love my new painterly brush;) Got the weird i... Read more
Skills Character DesignDigital Painting
    • Oliver Wetter
      New mashup for warm-up today - really love my new painterly brush;)
      Got the weird idea of X-ing some charactrs, this time Wolverine & Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul, hope you like.

      My dear patrons will exclusively get:
      ■ Hi-Res version
      ■ Step by step process
      ■ PSD- Files with layers
      ■ Social Media avatar
      ■ The brush used in this piece
      If there is some interest, I´ll do a tutorial video on how to adjust brushes to emulate wet colors in PS ;)

      Like my work? Consider to support me on Patreon tha
      127 months ago