Abandoned AT-ST in the Forest

May 11, 2016  •   •  16 views
Finally, here it is; my most recent inceptionism painting and addition to the Ancie... Read more
Skills Digital PaintingPoster DesignVisual engineering
    • Oliver Wetter
      Finally, here it is; my most recent inceptionism painting and addition to the Ancient Kaiju Project.
      View the full piece and a wallpaper version here: http://fav.me/da27fy2

      It took over 40 hours to finish but it was lots of fun. Original work (the forest) is from Heinrich Böhmer.
      This work is from around 1890-1927 and belongs to the public domain.

      In the upcoming book on composition techniques I will show how I added upon the great work of Böhmer instead of subtracting from it.

      As patron, yo
      115 months ago