Miss ‚Widowmaker‘ Muffet - Overwatch + Brom Fanart

Jun 1, 2016  •   •  17 views
Next Overwatch piece done and first piece for June, yay! This piece is based on an... Read more
Skills Digital PaintingPoster Design
    • Oliver Wetter
      Next Overwatch piece done and first piece for June, yay!

      This piece is based on an older Brom painting/pose from a piece called Miss Muffet. I loved that stance and felt like it was made for the character Widowmaker from the game Overwatch. So, yeah, this is a double fanart ;)

      A weird character that is obviously scared by a big spider - to me this picture talks about our very own prejudices.

      Hope you like.

      You can see and download the process gif here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/5565143?
      114 months ago