The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Video Game 2013
Wes Louie
Cinematics Storyboard Artist
Mark Eaton
Visual Effects Artist
Worked on Kinect Adventures!, North, Gigantic, and 1 other projects.
Tom Gurney
Character Animator
Worked on Maleficent, Pacific Rim, Iron Man 3, and 34 other projects.
Evyn Shuley
Game Designer
Worked on BioShock Infinite, Heroes Over Europe, Killzone 2, and 2 other projects.
Jose Gutierrez
associate production manager
Worked on BioShock Infinite, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Mafia 3, and 58 other projects.
Bil Van Ness
Character Animator
Worked on Homeworld 3, Marvel Avengers Academy, Evolution, and 15 other projects.