Seasoned artist who loves collaborating on a team with other talented artist and then seeing the end product come alive.
Work History
Sr. Animator and Matchmove Lead
Encore VFX
August 2014 - February 2023
Los Angeles
Senior Character and Creature animator on episodic live action shows. Responsible for animating characters and integrating them onto live action plates, face and body replacements onto actors including face anims, matchmoving characters for effects, camera animation, previs, and layout. Additional duties were to integrate and clean up mocap data. I also supervised artist matchmoves, provided workflows for efficiency and support for technical issues for all shows.
Mocap Animator
CounterPunch Studios
April 2014 - June 2014
Los Angeles
Animated lips and face to sync with actors for NBA 2K basketball game. Retarget mocap data using Faceware technology
CG Generalist
Moo Studios
February 2014 - February 2014
Los Angeles
Collaborated to create 3D aspects for 3 different painterly/stop motion-like TV spots for Blue Moon. Contract project which involved tracking, animation, texturing, lighting and rendering done in Maya.
CG Artist
Flight 33 Productions
June 2013 - December 2013
Sherman Oaks, CA
Product: Emmy award winning show called "Big History" series for H2
Layout, Modeling, Texturing, Particles, Animation, Rendering.
Cinematic Animator
Digital Domain
March 2013 - May 2013
Los Angeles
Created character animation for in-game cinematic including body, face, and hand animations as well as cloth simulations. Motion Capture clean up. Targeting and retargeting of objects for anims.
Cinematic Animator
Digital Domain
June 2012 - October 2012
Los Angeles
Created character animation for in-game cinematic including body, face, and hand animations as well as cloth simulations. Motion Capture clean up. Targeting and retargeting of objects for anims.
CG Generalist
Flight 33 Productions
January 2011 - April 2012
Los Angeles
Created Previs scenes and layouts for shots including camera and stereoscopy setups.
Animated bipedal, mechanical and creature characters and troubleshoot bipedal character rig for shots. Modeled and textured low and high poly objects for episodes as well as particle simulations.
Tracking and Matchmove Artist
Sassoon Film Design
January 2010 - January 2011
Los Angeles
Tracked live footage using tracking software (Bujou, PFTrack, Syntheyes). Layout and Modeled environment then animated characters to match live footage plates. Created z-depth information for stereoscopy effect.
CG Generalist
Flight 33 Productions
June 2008 - November 2009
Los Angeles
Animation, Layout, Modeling, Texture artist, Lighting, Rendering and Pre Composting shots for final.
Modeling and Texture Artist
Spark Unlimited
January 2006 - April 2008
Los Angeles
Modeled and textured mesh objects, optimization and placement of mesh in environments. Shader network setup, BSP editing and ligting of multiplayer levels. Created Destructible objects in Maya and produced simulations in Unreal Engine. Built assets using Maya, Photoshop and Unreal Engine to create Next-gen games.
Rigger, Modeler
Godspeed Studios
July 2006 - August 2006
Motion Graphics, Animation, Character Design
2D Animator
Eminence Front Productions
June 2006 - August 2006
Los Angeles
Behind the scenes for DVD's, Post Production
3d artist
Crystal View Chemicals
March 2006 - May 2006
creating 3d infomercial for a car headlight to be used nationwide in Avance Auto parts store.
3d modeler
Dream Image Co
November 2005 - December 2005
modeling models for company library
Brandenberger Galleries
August 2005 - December 2005
recreate 2d painting into an animation clip.
The Art Institutes International Minnesota
January 2004 - February 2005
Studied here
Medical Materiel Journeyman
United States Air Force
March 1994 - March 1998
Purchasing, shipping, receiving medical equipment for 2nd largest hospital in Air Force.