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Stacey Truman
Surfacing Artist
Stacey Truman Demo Reel 2015
Feb 20, 2015
Updated on February 17th.
How to Train Your Dragon 2
I fully surfaced Cloudjumper. CJ took me about 3 months to surface and had several iterations from the Art Director on his overall look.It was important to keep his network customizable for any potential changes.
How to Train Your Dragon 2
I surfaced all color variations of the Juvenile dragons.These colorful little ones had a much more organic scale pattern and sizing which lent itself well to texture synthesis. The shader writers were actively working on optimizing this for the company and we used my dragons as a model for testing it and making it more intuitive.
How to Train Your Dragon 2
I surfaced 22 color variations on 9 unique generic dragon models. The dragons had three main body types with sets of appendages that could be switched out. After figuring out a system on the first few dragons, it only took me a week and a half or less per two variants on the same dragon.
How to Train Your Dragon 2
These dragons were initially modeled and surfaced for the dragons TV show so they didn't work with our normal pipeline. I took the lower detail maps and repainted them to match the quality of the dragons developed for the movie. As the shaders didn't translate, I updated their networks.
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Shading Artist
I surfaced and did all fur/hair work on both the American Promoter and Eagle characters.
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Shading Artist
This was my first character to fully surface at DreamWorks, I learned a lot with the proprietary fur system and translucency while working on him. He needed several types of fur to get the right look—fine fur added a lot to his appeal and the scraggly, thicker, sparse black fur kept him from feeling like a cute mouse.
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Shading Artist
The base horse fur and saddle materials were done by Matt Teritto. I took the character and created the three glowing painted versions for the Madagascar 3 circus sequences.
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Shading Artist
I fully surfaced most of the old circus train cars and went back to adjust the surfacing on the rest to match the level of wear and detail. This was an exciting and challenging set as there was so much history and level of wear. I layered base metal or wood, chipped paint and rust, oil drips, scratches, chain saw marks, mud splatters, etc.
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Shading Artist
The first, clean van pass of the materials and maps were done by Gentaro Yamamoto. I took the van and transferred the initial surfacing to each of the subsequent damaged versions and then did an extensive surfacing damage pass. I went through shots and mapped out where and when different damage occurred so the layers could be turned on in stages.
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Shading Artist
I surfaced the full Casino rooftop environment.
How to Train Your Dragon 2
I adjusted the developed ice network to create a more procedural version for the farther ice. I also created transition ice crags around all the areas where the broken fort pierced through. Did the destroyed wood and some of the destroyed war machines. In the final battle scene I redefined the look of the beach snow and footprint/wheel mark pass.
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James Bennett
Great work!
131 months ago
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