
Movie 2004
Leif Einarsson
Character Animator
Worked on Inversion, Spider-Man: Homecoming, The Gifted, and 56 other projects.
John Mcconnell
2d Compositor
Worked on Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Cobweb, Supercell, and 133 other projects.
Kim Lavery
In House Visual Effects Producer
Worked on Avatar 3, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Original Sin, and 51 other projects.
Dave Lockwood
Worked on Cell, Chronicle, Titanic, and 30 other projects.
Kevin Struckman
CG Artist
Worked on Kung Fu, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Space Force, and 85 other projects.
Mike Hardison
CG Supervisor
Worked on Driven, Behind Enemy Lines, Daredevil, and 45 other projects.

Studio credits