
Movie 2013
Robert Sethi
CG Supervisor
Worked on Doom, Carrot Vs Ninja, Stranger Than Fiction, and 4 other projects.
Mandy Sorenson
Composite Artist
Worked on Amsterdam, The Artist's Wife, Togo, and 11 other projects.
Yafei Wu
CG Supervisor
Worked on Constantine, Black Sails, Kon-Tiki, and 2 other projects.
Brian Drewes
Executive Producer
Worked on Sketch, Fly Me to the Moon, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, and 55 other projects.
Mark Friedman
Worked on Mercy, A Walk Among The Tombstones, All Is Bright, and 8 other projects.
Jacopo Landi
digital compositor
Worked on Damsel, Secret Invasion, Munich: The Edge of War, and 35 other projects.

Studio credits