Friday Night Lights

Movie 2004
Laurie Going
Digital Compositor
Worked on Cash Out, Salem's Lot, Iron Mike, and 75 other projects.
Jonathan Robinson
Compositing Supervisor
Worked on The Interpreter, Amityville: The Awakening, Carol, and 23 other projects.
Harrison Hays
Render Coordinator
Worked on The Interpreter, Life of Pi, Enigma, and 31 other projects.
Kamalakkannan Vairakkannu
Digital compositor
Worked on BIOS, Love and Monsters, Sonic The Hedgehog, and 48 other projects.
Veronica Hernandez
Roto/Paint Artist
Worked on Wendell & Wild, Missing Link, Kubo and the Two Strings, and 36 other projects.
John Heller
Lead Inferno Artist / Lead Compositor
Shaina Holmes
Digital Compositor / Digital Coordinator
Worked on Cabrini, Mayday, The Night House, and 191 other projects.

Studio credits