-Lighting, keylighting and compositing of production shots
-Developing new workflows for pushing sequence lighting/key lighting templates out to shots
Color and Lighting TD
Sony Pictures Imageworks
February 2015 - February 2016
Lighting TA
DreamWorks Animation
February 2012 - January 2015
Rise of the Guardians(2012)
- Responsible for the initial setup, testing, maintenance and optimization of lighting rigs, render dependency graphs and Nuke compositing templates
- Provided support for lighting teams in the form of technical problem solving, rendering optimizations, asset installation/validation and lighting tool development
- Lighting and compositing of production shots
Department TD Intern
DreamWorks Animation
May 2011 - August 2011
- Developed and tested a system to track GUI crashes in our next gen lighting software and automatically send reproduction steps to the dev team
- Wrote python tools to aid in the conversion of character visual development assets from our then current generation pipeline to next gen