Wes Burian

Wes Burian

Surfacing Supervisor at Dreamworks

Supervisor Surfacing Supervisor / 29 yrs

Los Angeles, CA

Hire Me
Aesthetic, technical and managerial experience in developing and completing high-pressure, large-scale computer graphics projects within allotted budget.
Work History
  • Surfacing Supervisor

    DreamWorks Animation

    June 2002 - Present

    • Supervised shading and texturing of all film assets throughout the pipeline for delivery on schedule and in proper working order.
    • Provided day-to-day artistic direction and technical solutions for Surfacing assets to achieve Production Designer’s vision.
    • Collaborated with many disparate departments to perform cross-functional processes and troubleshoot complex problems.
    • Bid, cast and negotiated for surfacing resource under constantly changing project needs and schedule.
    • Planned appropriate artistic and technical techniques in response to development artwork, providing feedback when needed.
    • Mentored artists of all levels to develop artistic and technical process, efficiency and confidence.

    Kung Fu Panda 3: July 2013 – Present
    • Supervised twenty-four surfacing artists throughout production, eight on-site, sixteen in China.

    Me and My Shadow: June 2011 – July 2013
    • Supervised eighteen surfacing artists throughout production, twelve on-site, six in India.

    Kung Fu Panda 2: Sept 2008 – June 2011
    • Supervised eighteen surfacing artists throughout production.

    Monsters Vs. Aliens: April 2008 – Sept 2008
    • Supervised six surfacing artists near project end (brought in by Producer to rescue three sequences in danger of slipping.)

    Kung Fu Panda: May 2004 – April 2008
    • Supervised and directed thirteen surfacing artists throughout production.

    Shark Tale: Nov 2002 – May 2004
    • Supervised fourteen surfacing artists throughout production.

    Senior Surfacer:

    Sinbad: Jun 2002 – Nov 2002
    • Brought in to evaluate and surface large CG character and environment assets near the end of production.
    • Strategized modeling, surfacing and lighting for these large CG assets with attention to integration into 2D sequences.

  • CG Paint Supervisor

    Tippett Studio

    November 1998 - June 2004

    • Supervised a team delivering shaders and textures for CG elements to integrate into live action visual effects plates.
    • Provided artistic and technical direction to artists in order to achieve VFX Supervisor’s vision.
    • Evaluated film script and/or boards to assess project needs and develop processes in response.
    • Bid and cast assets and their revisions to meet show budget and deadlines.

    Blade 2: 2002
    Men In Black 2: 2002
    Evolution: 2001
    The Hollow Man: 2000

    CG Painter:
    • Painted texture maps and defined material parameters for CG assets.
    • Assisted Lighting artists in debugging shots and making revisions throughout shot delivery.

    Mission to Mars:2000
    Bicentennial Man:1999
    The Haunting:1999

  • Lead 3D Artist

    Interplay Entertainment Corp.

    February 1997 - October 1998

    • Supervised, cast and scheduled a team of five Alias artists to produce artwork within game engine technical specifications.
    • Modeled, textured, lit and animated various environments and characters according to provided Art Direction.

    Of Light and Darkness: 1998

  • 3D Artist

    Smokin' Digital

    September 1995 - July 1996

    • Designed and developed CG video game environments and animations using form*Z and ElectricImage.

  • Co Founder & 3D Artist

    Reality Media

    September 1994 - August 1995

    • Created CG building visualizations and walkthroughs in Alias PowerAnimator according to provided blueprints and interior design.

  • Freelance Graphic Design

    Burian Photo/Graphics

    September 1992 - August 1994

    Produced a wide variety of print media pieces from concept to finished product using hand-drawn and computer-generated illustration for a variety of clients.