Making light and magic in VR/AR
Expert Environment Artist working on: - Tom Clancy's THE DIVISION - Far Cry 4
Creating environments and assets for Starwars 1313.
Assassin´s Creed 3 Multiplayer + The Battle Hardened DLC
Lead Artist in Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (Nintendo 3DS) Leading the art department in several unnanounced Wii, XBox360, PS3 and 3DS projects.
Working on Motion Sports for Microsoft Kinect
Senior Artist at Grin Barcelona. Lead Artist Assistant duties during final production of Wanted: Weapons of Fate (XBox360, PS3, PC)
Several freelance for a bunch of different companies in gaming, movies, advertisement and other media companies
Started as Environment and Props Artist. Then moved as main Character Artist, focusing on Creatures.
Several commercial minigames and 3D Applications (virtual visits, serious games, 3D simulations, etc).