Terrence came up through the ranks on more than 20 feature films including Hook, True Lies, Interview with the Vampire and three Star Wars movies. He developed the original CG pipeline for SouthPark in 1996 and wrote 'the' book (CG101) on computer graphics. An active volunteer with SIGGRAPH since 1988, Terrence served as 2006 Computer Animation Festival Chair, SIGGRAPH 2010 Conference Chair. He is a member of the Producers Guild of America, the Visual Effects Society, an ACM Distinguished Speaker and longtime advisor to FMX.
Work History
Founder & CEO
Building Conversation
September 2013 - Present
Boston, MA
VFX Advisory Board
Animation Mentor
January 2013 - Present
The Animation Mentor VFX Advisory Board consists of visual effects industry luminaries and leaders. Our board members are experienced, working professionals from leading visual effects institutions - See more at: https://www.animationmentor.com/about/vfx-advisory-board/#sthash.yNUloLtg.dpuf
1999 - Present
Contributor, Advisor and Associate since 1999; a great privilege to be involved with such a great organization.
Self - Creative Executive Producer
Digital Fauxtography Inc.
1994 - Present
From independent creative consulting to building large sub-contracting teams ... from Judge Dredd to SimCity4 to your next "impossible" task.
Executive Professor
Northeastern University
January 2008 - May 2015
Foster new external partnerships for sponsored interdisciplinary collaborative creative industries projects ... while teaching in the Media & Screen Studies Program and Art+Design Department
Director of Creative Industries
Northeastern University
January 2008 - April 2012
Full time Associate Professor; teaching game design and interactive media as well as building new undergraduate and graduate curriculum within the College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.
Conference Chair 2010
2005 - January 2012
Led the vision, team building, budget and execution of the 37th annual international conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques.
Production Consultant
Crest Animation Studios
September 2007 - December 2007
Creative Director and Line Producer setting up pipeline and quality standards for a new feature animated film studio.
Pipeline Consultant
August 2007 - December 2007
Consulting analysis and recommendations for the CEO related to print and multimedia production of ANIME; including asset management, production pipeline and technologies.
Computer Animation Festival SIGGRAPH 2006
October 2004 - August 2007
... including designing and hosting the "World's Largest Digital Etch-A-Sketch" for the pre-show.
Hurd Studios
2006 - 2006
Freelance animation and design consultant specializing in highly realistic medical visualization.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Technicolor-TCS Toronto
2005 - 2006
Design and supervise a wide range of visual effects for feature film, series television and commercial clients.
VFX & Animation Supervisor
2000 - 2006
Design and Supervise a wide range of animation and visual effects for feature film, video game and "special projects".
Visual Effects Supervisor
Technicolor Creative Services
2005 - 2005
Supervised on-set creative and technical visual effect solutions for a wide variety of episodic live action series, feature film, music video and all CG commercial projects; based in Toronto, Ontario.
Director of Photography
C.O.R.E. Feature Animation
2004 - 2005
For Walt Disney's feature animated film "The Wild" I hired the camera and lighting team; defined the standard camera 'lens package' and master lighting set-ups while working with other Dept. Leads in pre-production on the overall look development.
Director of Development
Ronin Entertainment
1999 - 2001
Overall creative direction of multiple teams for PC, Playstation and Xbox titles. Hands on camera and lighting work, screenplay / story writer for "Bruce Lee". Executive Producer responsible for external creative relations with Universal Studios and Microsoft Xbox team as well as all creative content subcontracting negotiations and delivery.
Sequence Supervisor
Industrial Light & Magic
1996 - 2000
Sequence Supervisor on "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace", specifically overseeing the "stampede" sequence. Worked with overall VFX Supe Dennis Muren on look development and production techniques. Supervised team of production artists to optimize quality and delivery schedule of entire sequence from storyboards to film output.
Animation Consultant
Sony Pictures Imageworks
1995 - 1996
Hired to R&D technical animation for the live action feature film "Anaconda". Worked with software / tools engineering, modeler and animators to execute multiple viable techniques within strict time and budget constraints.
CG Supervisor
Warner Brothers Imaging Technology
July 1994 - September 1995
I was the founding CG Supervisor responsible for all technical and creative R&D, production and post of in-house computer graphic animation, working on over a dozen WB feature film 'special projects' and 'one off' shots; including worked with VFX Supe John Dykstra to conceive and execute several key shots for "Batman Forever", and restoring classic Jimi Hendrix footage for the 25th Anniversary release of Woodstock.
Senior Technical Director
Digital Domain
June 1993 - July 1994
I was a founding Senior TD responsible for concept, production and post of VFX shots on "The Color of Night", "Interview with the Vampire" and "True Lies", our first three feature films as a company.
Image Engineering Supervisor
The Trumbull Company
September 1991 - May 1993
Hired and supervised a team of technical artists to act as the "hub" of the new company, translating Art Department vision to solid-printing molds for the Model Shop and and 3D animation production. Worked extensively one-on-one with Douglas Trumbull on previsualization for the three "special venue" ride films for the Luxor hotel and casino in Las Vegas. Wrote custom code to translate my Alias camera paths to drive the motion control camera to photograph 8th and 16th scale miniature sets.
Digital Artist
Industrial Light & Magic
1991 - 1991
Hired as a Technical Assistant for archiving of T2 assets, and on Steven Spielberg's live action film "Hook", promoted to Digital Artist responsible for concept and execution of a wide variety of 2D digital effects animation (pixie dust) and wire removal (Robin Williams flying sequences). Part of small initial R&D team for "Jurassic Park".
3D Animator
National Boston
1989 - 1990
First 3D animator at the company, designing and producing "flying logos" and numerous on-air needs in a very quick turn-around delivery environment with Alias software.
Freelance Graphic Design
1985 - 1989
Logo design, company branding, print and large scale marketing graphics