Tim Sormin

Tim Sormin

Animating Space Ninjas at Digital Extremes

Senior Animator / 19 yrs

Ontario, Canada

Hire Me
Currently animating space ninjas for "Warframe" (PC, PS4, XB1) I have enjoyed creating animation professionally for film, television, and games since 2005 and am always looking for ways to develop and share my skills.
Work History
  • Principal Animator - "Warframe"

    Digital Extremes

    March 2014 - Present
    London, Canada Area

    - Keyframed melee weapon combos and gun reloads
    - Mocap performance, clean up, and keyframe augmentation for cinematics

  • Freelance Animator

    Tim Sormin Animation

    April 2013 - February 2014
    London, ON, Canada

    Arconyx: "The Little Painter" (short film)
    RubberPixel: Mega Bloks "WWE Stackdown" (commercial)
    TopixFX: Scotiabank "Coming Soon" (theatrical spot)
    Seven2: "Minnie-rella's Magical Journey" (browser game)
    BitGem: Micro Characters (Unity game assets)
    RubberPixel: Greenpark "Leaf" (commercial)
    Masternull Animation: NFL Player Popups (mocap)

  • Animator - "Warframe"

    Digital Extremes

    February 2013 - March 2013
    London, Canada Area

    - Mostly keyframe player character and cinematic animation

  • Animator - "Action Game Vertical Slice"

    Digital Extremes

    September 2012 - January 2013
    London, Canada Area

    - Keyframe, mocap acting, and mocap cleanup of player and AI enemy characters
    - One of two animators tasked with defining the animation style

  • Animator - "Star Trek"

    Digital Extremes

    October 2010 - August 2012
    London, Ontario

    - Keyframe, mocap acting, and mocap cleanup of player and AI enemy characters
    - Mocap cleanup, facial and hand animation for cinematics
    - Co-designed ledging movement system with designers and programmers

  • Senior Animator - "Murdered: Soul Suspect" Vertical Slice

    Airtight Games

    July 2009 - August 2010

    - Pre-visualization
    - Keyframe animation
    - Motion capture cleanup
    - Rigging and pipeline research
    - Authored best practices documents

  • Animator - "Dark Void"

    Airtight Games

    December 2007 - June 2009

    - Keyframed animation of player character
    - Exported from Maya and implemented into the Unreal Engine using animSets, animTrees, and archetypes
    - Animated and Co-designed multi-character interaction systems with tech animator, designers and programmers
    - Tuned blending and alignment parameters for special attacks and multi-character interactions

  • Animator - "Alvin and The Chipmunks"

    Rhythm & Hues Studios

    June 2007 - November 2007

    - Provided character animation for a feature film

  • Animator - "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" + 2 more

    Starz Animation

    June 2006 - May 2007
    Toronto, ON

    "The Wizard of Ha's" (DVD)
    - Provided character animation
    - Created layouts and camera work to match the storyboards

    "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" (feature film)
    - Provided character animation
    - Created layouts and camera work to match the storyboards

    "Chop Socky Chooks" (TV series)
    - Provided character animation
    - Created layouts and camera work to match the storyboards

  • Character Animation Finaler - "Everyone's Hero"

    IDT Entertainment Toronto

    June 2005 - May 2006

    - Provided background character animation for a crowd scene
    - Responsible for fixing: intersections, bad deformations, motion blur errors, gimbal rotations, broken constraints, and many other various problems
    - Attended animation review sessions in order to communicate with Animation and Effects leads to ensure that fixes met the needs of both departments

  • Character Animator/Set Modeler - "The Baptism"

    Southern Adventist University

    May 2004 - August 2004

    - Animated the Ram character in a short proof-of-concept piece for the upcoming "The Life of Christ" directed by veteran animator/director Hendel Butoy.
    - Modeled set for Ram shot

  • Digital Character Animation

    Sheridan College

    2004 - 2005
  • BSc: Character Animation

    Southern Adventist University

    2000 - 2004
  • Highschool Diploma

    Kingsway College

    1996 - 2000