In my most recent position as 2D Lead Animator at The Monk Studios.
Sometimes was assigned a quota of animation at the senior level in some project.
but mostly, I facilitated the accomplishment of animation quality check under supervisor.
Start training basic principle and supporting the team by myself.
I am also known for my skills in (cut-out) Toon Boom Harmony.
One of the projects that has shown leadership potential is Sea of Love - 2022 (Netflix).
Supervise and manage a team of 7-8 people to ensure that each episode is of equal quality,
supervised and checked before passing it on to the leader and director.
It is a project that continues from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
but gained a lot of experience also (Fun!)
Mariam and friends - 2022 (Short)
Has been assigned to manage more than 10 people as a leader as usual.
Even if it's difficult to control a large number of people But this project creates a work-
that is full of animation principles, beautiful visuals and cool special effects.
2D Animator
Lowbrow Studios
July 2018 - September 2022
Has been assigned as a Freelance 2D Animator for many projects.
Most of the TV series are made with Adobe Animate and Toonboom Harmony.
Each project's work style is simple but has its own challenges.
One of the fun and famous projects is The Cyanide & Happiness Show - (TV Series).
2D Animator
Yowza! Animation
December 2021 - June 2022
One of the most famous companies in Canada,
that I had the opportunity to work as a Freelance Senior 2D Animator
For almost half a year, I have experienced working in world-class quality.
It was a challenging in short time. Especially the Angry birds - 2022 (TV Series)
Followed by another project that look like simple, Nature Cat - (TV Series)
But it is full of fun and challenges in its own way.