animator on NDA project.
Life of PI Alvin 3 RIPD
Cowboys and Aliens
Film: Yogi Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 Night at the Museuem 2 Aliens in the Attic Mummy 3 Alvin and the Chipmunks Golden Compass Commercial: Nasonex
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles feature film.
Garfield 2 Happy Feet
Mtv commercials Save The Humans: Mickeys Twice Upon a Christmas Gopher Broke Commercials: Unreal Tournmnet, Spiderman Web Shooter, Olympic x Bode Miller, Fox NHL intro, Cinematics: X men Legends, Golden Axe
Layout and Animatic artist for Teenage Mutantant Ninja Turtles, feature teaser trailer.
voice over for game Freaky Flyers, Lead Character Animator for a game called Crank the Weasel
video game for ps1
Animated video for companies to be shown at trade shows and conventions.