Robert Lariz

Robert Lariz

Senior Look Development / 18 yrs

Montréal, Canada

Hire Me

Digital Effects

Dust (2013)

CG Generalist

Grimm (2011)

Assistant Technical Director

Mars Needs Moms (2011)

Assistant Technical Director

A Christmas Carol (2009)

Assistant Technical Director

Bolt (2008)

Work History
  • Producer/Creative Consultant

    M.O.D.E. (Motion Optical Digital Entertainment)

    June 2014 - Present

    Producing multiple digital projects (i.e. web,tv commercials,explainer videos,film and conventions)

  • Senior Lighting

    5 MPC

    December 2014 - December 2015
  • Producer/Creative Consultant

    Hectic Digital

    March 2014 - June 2014
    San Francisco Bay Area
  • Senior lighter

    Newbreed Visual Effects

    March 2013 - May 2013
    Montreal, Canada Area

    Senior lighter using Katana on 2 feature films.

  • Senior Lighter/Simulation Artist

    Ember Lab

    November 2012 - March 2013
    Orange County, California Area

    Senior and principal lighter utilizing Renderman and slim shaders to bring film to life. R&D look of shots from start to finish (i.e, animation blocking light rig and HDRI setup as well as doing simulation for fur and liquid.) Compositing with Nuke to show current progress and final shots.

  • Senior Lighting/Surfacing Artist


    August 2012 - November 2012
    Portland, Oregon Area

    Working on Grimm as a Senior lighter. Came in to mentor current artist and TDs to optimize current workflow on a tight deadline environment.

  • Houdini FX Lighting TD

    Rhythm & Hues Studios

    August 2011 - August 2012
    Greater Los Angeles Area

    VFX Houdini Lighter. Used Mantra and studio proprietary tools to render shots.

  • Lighter

    Hectic Digital

    June 2010 - August 2011
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Duties:Lead lighter using maya,houdini and various tools to bring project to completion to clients satisfaction.

  • Lighting ATD


    January 2009 - May 2010
    Novato California

    Animation ,Final Layout and Stereoscopic ATD
    · A Christmas Carol
    · Mars Needs Moms, January 2009-June 2010.
    · Duties:
    · CFX ATD, render and exporting rigid and simulation grooms, minor groom design and fixes of characters
    hair,groom, cuts and data validation. Stereo Dept. support; took shots to stereo and fixes as needed.
    Animation support made sure data flow was available to animators and rigs were updated. Final Scene
    Layout; primarily layout the scene made sure props and sets were adequate for Performance Layout.

  • Lighting ATD

    Walt Disney Animation Studios

    June 2008 - October 2008

    · Bolt
    · Duties:
    · Validate data integrity for each shot. Render optimization, which includes adjusting shading rates, motion
    factor, blocker geometry, clipping planes, camera dicing, and pixel samples, and improving memory usage
    by tiling and adjusting grid size. Build and update shots. Render shots at 2k resolution, troubleshoot and
    correct shadows, occlusion, and all aspects of the final shot. Adjust lighting and compositing as needed.

  • Freelance Effects Artist

    Pacific Digital

    March 2008 - May 2008

    Developed effect assets for commercial purposes..

  • Academy of Art University

    2005 - 2007
  • · Cal State Fullerton University

    1994 - 1998