Shaun Stephenson

Shaun Stephenson

Senior 3D Generalist

Lead 3D Generalist / 20 yrs


Hire Me

Senior Previsualization Artist And Td

Strange Magic (2015)

Visual Effects Artist

Red Tails (2012)

Digital Models And Simulations

Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

Visual Effects

Rango (2011)

Artist / Lead Technical Artist

Open Season (2006)

Pre-Visualisation Artist

The Legend of Tembo

29 year CG veteran of games, film and mobile/AR industries. Have held a variety of roles including Senior Artist/Modeler, Hard Surface Artist, Leave Environment Artist, Tech Artist and Generalist. Experienced with Maya, UE4, ZBrush, Substance Suite, Perforce and more.
Work History
  • Senior 3D Artist


    November 2023 - Present

    Modeling, environment work, team leadership

  • Senior/Lead 3D Artist

    Waysun Inc.

    November 2020 - September 2022

    Maya, Substance Painter, Unity. Primary artist working on mobile and Quest 2 projects. Working with engineering and mentoring / training junior staff.

  • Lead Artist


    November 2020 - August 2022

    PS5, UE5, Maya, ZBrush, Speedtree, Houdini.
    Team building and leadership, cross department coordination / collaboration, initial outsource planning, look dev and planning / scheduling.

    Reason to leave: Personal / career based.

  • Senior 3D Generalist

    Magic Leap

    October 2016 - June 2020
    Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area

    Environment art, modeling, textures, shaders, performance optimization, blue print development in UE4, Unity asset development.

  • Senior 3D Artist

    Edge Case Games

    September 2014 - May 2016
    West Palm Beach, Florida Area

    Fractured Space. Modeling high and low detail hard surface and organic assets. Shaders and texture work. UE4 development.

    Reason to leave: Project closure / layoffs.

  • Instructor

    Ringling College of Art + Design

    January 2014 - August 2014
    Sarasota, Florida Area

    Teaching / tutoring and sophomore and junior students 3D modeling, Subdivision surfaces, texturing, UV layout and sculpting. Also teaching and tutoring sophomore level programming for artists (MEL/Python scripting)

    Reason to leave: Academic year based employment

  • Senior 3D Environment Artist


    June 2013 - October 2013

    Creating environment art for a 3rd person action adventure game (modeling, textures, shaders and level layout, dressing, lighting and optimization) in Unreal 3. Also working closely with engineers and performing PIX investigation and resulting level optimization for Xbox 360.

    Reason to leave: Project closure / layoffs.

  • Pre-viz Development Artist / Modeller

    Digital Domain

    April 2012 - September 2012
    Port St Lucie, Florida

    Set design and modeling. I worked on, and assisted in the design of, 4 sets in my short time on the digital feature the Legend of Tembo prior to the closure of the Florida studio. 2 of my sets were the first to go into full production. Work consisted of high and medium detail modeling in Maya, tool specification and interfacing with TDs.

    Reason to leave: Studio closure

  • Digital Artist / character rigging

    Lucasfilm Animation

    August 2010 - December 2011
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Pre-production modeling and character rigging for CG feature.

  • Hard Surface Modeler & Painter

    Industrial Light & Magic

    June 2008 - September 2010
    San Francisco Bay Area

    RANGO - Sub-D hard surface and organic modeling. Additional layout / proxy / pre-viz modeling and texture painting.

    STAR TOURS 2 - Sub-D hard surface and organic modeling and texture painting

    TRANSFORMERS 3 - Sub-D hard surface / character modeling

    RED TAILS - Hard surface modeling

  • Lead Environment Artist & Senior Environment Modeler


    December 2006 - June 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Lead Environment Artist (unreleased project)
    Senior Environment Artist (The Force Unleashed)

  • Lead Artist

    Irrational Games / Take Two

    May 2006 - November 2006
    Quincy, MA
  • Art Team Lead / Technical Director


    September 2004 - May 2006
    Montreal, Canada Area

    Pipeline work, scene and asset optimisation, tools specification and development. Art team management and training. Unreal and Max technical support.

    All art team management: daily project scheduling, art reviews and direction, performance evaluations.

  • Technical Artist

    Electronic Arts UK

    January 2003 - August 2004

    Lighting and world art technical artist. Duties included scene optimisation, pipeline and tools development, specification and test, documentation and art team training. Building of a replacement lighting pipeline for real time games engine.

  • 3D Artist / Modeller

    Electronic Arts UK

    May 2000 - January 2003

    World team modelling of all art assets for a variety of racing games. Also working with code team on asset and scene optimisations and more technical issues related to 3D engine development.

  • Senior 3D Artist


    October 1995 - May 2000

    All world art modelling for a variety of racing games on PC and Playstation 1 platforms. Asset oiptimisation, planning and scheduling, animation and charatcer modelling. Also working closely with code team and other artists to specify and devlop tools and scripts to form the art pipeline. Documentation and training. Scene optimisations.

  • MSc Computer Graphics

    University of Teesside

    October 1994 - October 1995
  • BSc IT / Computer Science

    University of Teesside

    October 1990 - October 1993