● Animating realistic creatures (Bipeds and Quadrupeds).
● Guiding and helping out junior team mates to expedite the deliveries while maintaining quality.
● Collaborating with production and the team lead to streamline workload.
● Leading the team from time to time in absence of the Team lead.
● Closely work and converse with Animation and CG Supervisors to constantly achieve excellent quality
Double Negative
September 2021 - July 2022
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Responsible for
● Animating realistic creatures (Bipeds and Quadrupeds) and inorganic assets.
● Cleaning up and beautifying the mocap data to use them effectively in shots.
● Closely work with Animation HOD to constantly achieve excellent quality.
Senior Animator
yFX Studios Private Limited
June 2016 - September 2021
Mumbai Area, India
Responsible for
● Animating realistic characters and creatures.
● Working on previz, postviz and animatics.
● Designing dynamic shots and camera angles from scratch for previz work.
● Converse with clients to understand their brief and bifurcate work to the team