Supervise the visual development of a new groundbreaking anime series for the Asian market..
Art Director
Dream East Studios
April 2015 - Present
6464 Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90068
Supervising visual production
Art Director
August Media
March 2014 - Present
Supervises an American production crew in conjunction with studios in Singapore and Canada. The team generates all assets (background, props, and characters) for the new Nickelodeon animated tv series George of the Jungle distributed by DreamWorks.
Freelance Art Director
June 2012 - Present
Santa Barbara, California Area
Art direction of an animated series that teaches children in developing countries English language skills.
Visual Development
Warner Bros. Animation
March 2012 - July 2012
Art Director
Wild Brain/Dreamworks Animation
May 2011 - March 2012
Sherman Oaks, CA
Art Director for DreamworksTV series -How to Train Your Dragon
Art Director
MTV Networks
June 2010 - May 2011
Starz Media, Burbank,CA
Art Director for Beavis and Butthead, Season 8.
Production Designer
BRC Imagination Arts
October 2009 - June 2010
Production designer for the Telecommunications Pavilion interactive movie at The World Expo 2010, Shanghai, China
Art Director
Extra Large Technology -XLT
2007 - 2009
Hollywood, CA
Art Director of the Playmobil Toy Company interactive movie, The Secret of Pirate Island.
Art Director
Animation Lab
June 2007 - September 2007
Jerusalem, Israel
Brought in to establish the look and feel of the film-The Wild Bunch.