Geostorm - film directed by Dean Devlin
Mission Impossible Rogue Nation - film directed by Christopher McQuarrie
Antman - film directed by Peyton Reed
Environment TD/Digital Matte Painter
August 2013 - November 2014
Jungle book - film directed by Jon Favreau
Exodus kings and gods - film directed by Ridley Scott - 4 months.
Guardians of the galaxy - film directed by James Gunn - 5 months.
Maleficent - film directed by Robert Stromberg - 5 months.
Digital Matte Painter
The Mill
July 2013 - August 2013
Make peace - lynx peace - 1 month
Burberry with love - Burberry - 1 month
Digital Matte Painter
Prime Focus World
March 2013 - June 2013
White House Down - film directed by Roland Emmerich - 3 months
Two Faces of January - film directed by Hossein Amini - 1month