Physics programmer with designer tendencies. Most happy with any problem that forces me to stretch my mind into more than two dimensions.
Specialties: C++, rigid body detection/dynamics, intuition, experimentation, and speculative musings.
Work History
Senior Programmer
Sledgehammer Games
August 2016 - Present
Foster City, CA
Call of Duty: WWII
Singleplayer gameplay
Especially vehicle implementations including:
• First person tank
• NPC tanks with cutscene<->gameplay transition
• First person jeep driving and mounted combat
• Train combat
• Support for rapid level iteration
• Final pass scripting optimizations
Physics Programmer
Rockstar Games
August 2008 - July 2015
Unannounced R&D:
• Rapid iteration and design collaboration
Grand Theft Auto 5:
• Go to resource for physics engine knowledge
• Champion of design goals within physics team
• Technical guidance for scripters, tech art, and gameplay as well as engine coders
• Involvement or lead in code and design interviews
Max Payne 3:
• Owner of massive ongoing codebase integration
-- Coordination with physically separated teams
-- Understand and communicate changing priorities and technology trajectories
Red Dead Redemption:
• Ownership of widely used script and spawning search feature
-- R&D with early adopters
-- Collaboration with outside teams
-- Proactively pitched capabilities to new users
• Developed dynamic loading for streaming LODed breakables
• Ownership of breakable, weapon, and simple ragdoll tuning
Gameplay Programmer
Insomniac Games
2007 - 2007
Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction.
• Developed a support mindset
• Picked up and ran with other's code, polishing to shippable quality
• Reached outside department collaborate on added value