Software Engineer at Electronic Arts Canada Inc. with several years of experience working in different game areas. I enjoy working on things that help the talents around me deliver their best. On a more selfish note, I'm constantly striving to better myself and satisfy my urge to learn and experience as much as I can one thing at a time.
Work History
Software Engineer
Electronic Arts
July 2005 - Present
- FIFA 15 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC (PC Lead SE)
- 2014 FIFA World Cup for Xbox 360 and PS3 (Presentation/Rendering Lead SE)
- FIFA 13 for Xbox360, PS3, and PC (Presentation Lead SE)
- FIFA 12 for Xbox360, PS3, and PC (Presentation/Rendering SE)
- FIFA 11 for Xbox360 and PS3 (Rendering SE)
- 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa (Presentation/Rendering Lead SE)
- FIFA 09: Ultimate Team for Xbox 360 and PS3 (Presentation/Rendering SE)
- UEFA Euro 2008 for Xbox 360 and PS3 (Presentation SE)
- UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 for Xbox 360 (Online/Front End SE)
- FIFA World Cup 2006 for Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, and PC (Front End SE)
- Unreleased Wii title (Front End SE)