Senior Designer - Hitman Go (iOS/Android)
Focus on level design/building.
Senior Designer - Incubation (Prototyping) Team
Prototyping games in short dev cycles for Tablet devices.
Senior Designer - Hitman Project (Next-Gen Consoles/Current Gen/PC) - Cancelled
Focused on Gameplay systems (game actions), Campaign systems (progression), and mission-narrative structure.
Senior Game Designer
THQ Montreal
December 2012 - February 2013
Montreal, QC, Canada
Senior Designer - Project Underdog (Tablet) - Cancelled
Focused on Campaign systems and prototyping the UI.
(Company acquired by Ubisoft January 2013)
Senior Game Designer
May 2011 - August 2012
Senior Designer - Age of Conan: Unchained (PC - MMO)
Consulted on the F2P conversion and led the redesign of the Tradeskills (Crafting and Gathering) system. Led the implementation of in-game Facebook support.
Lead Senior Game Designer
Ubisoft Vancouver
May 2008 - January 2011
Lead Designer: Office & Co (Facebook)
Responsible for the core game design including progression and monetization systems, the entire UI and long-tail planning of content.
Senior Designer: Academy of Champions (Wii)
Campaign Lead; responsible for all aspects of the RPG mode including characters, stats, skills, the story and dialogue. Devised a custom scripting language to implement the dialogue in-game across multiple languages. Led the design of the game's UI.
Lead Designer
Backbone Entertainment
July 2006 - May 2008
Lead Designer: Nectaris: Military Madness (WiiWare/XBLA/PSN)
Responsible for revising the 20 year old game to modern controls and accessibility, along with helping develop a new multiplayer mode.
Designer: Monster Lab (Wii / DS)
Mini-Games Lead; responsible for both mini-game design and coordinating the teams to complete more than a dozen minigames on two platforms.
Designer: Sonic Rivals (PSP)
Assisted with Boss Design, testing and balancing, as well as building documentation for the team and SEGA.
Game Designer
High Voltage Software
October 2004 - July 2006
Designer: 50 Cent: Bulletproof: G-Unit Mobile Edition (PSP)
Responsible for level design and scripting using custom tools to build a game that was seperate and yet could use all PS2 story/audio assets.
Designer: Family Guy: Video Game! (PS2)
Part of the prototype team; we developed a design and prototype to pitch to the licensors.
Lead Game Designer
Orbital Media
July 2000 - July 2004
Lead Designer: Pirate Battle (GBA) (Cancelled)
Responsible for all systems design, writing, and prototype tuning. Created the game UI.
Lead Designer: Jukka's Treasure (GBA) (Cancelled)
Responsible for all game design, writing, and level design.
3D Modeller / Writer / Designer
January 2000 - July 2000
Modeller/Writer/Designer: Blades of Passage (N64-DD) (Cancelled)
Contributed to scenario design and monster modelling.
(Company acquired by Orbital Media.)