Ever since I watched "Toy Story" in theaters I knew "Animation" was what I wanted to do! I saw an ad in the back of a PC Gamer Magazine stating: Do you want to make Video Games? I said, "YES!" Went to The Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago and received my BA in Media Arts & Animation. Got hired as a Jr. Animator @ Midway Games - Chicago and ended up being a Sr/Lead Animator by 2008. Unfortunately, Midway went bankrupt but, I ended up at 2K Sports in Novato, CA as a Sr. Animator. And to this day, I'm still the Lead Animator on the NBA 2K Franchise!
Work History
Lead Animator for the NBA 2K Franchise
2K Games
April 2009 - Present
- organizing & tasking thousands of animations per project
- supervise between 3 - 6 animators
- maintain quality of our animations
- work with Engineers to better implement our animations
- efficient in Maya (as well as Motionbuilder)
- I help animate as well