L'Oreal Red (B.Aveillan)
Peugeot 3008 Feeling (B.Aveillan)
Netflix The crown
Le sens de la fete (O. Nakache)
The death of Staline (A. Iannuci)
senior compositing artist
Groupe Première Heure, Paris
2013 - 2016
the Dress by barnaby Roper
Volvic Juiced
Gutterdämmerung Justice videoclip
Illumination Mac Guff
March 2015 - June 2015
senior compositor artist
Motion Partners Post Production
November 2014 - February 2015
Paris Area, France
Desierto by Jonás Cuarón
lead compositor sur Une histoire d'ame by Bénédicte Acolas
senior compositor artist
Illumination Mac Guff
January 2013 - January 2015
Senior compositing artist
Illumination Mac Guff
January 2013 - July 2013
Paris Area, France
Despicable me 2 , marketing department
senior compositor artist
March 2009 - February 2012
Swarovski and Cartier by Bruno Aveillan
Intouchables,Une pure affaire, L'Arnacoeur, Je n'ai rien oublié, Kelloggs, Evian,.....
senior/lead compositing artist/vfx supervisor
2002 - 2011
Paris Area, France
lead compositor on Piccolo Saxo animation movie
vfx supervisor on Quick ads
l'empire des loups by Chris Nahon
Monsieur N by Antoine Decaunes
Soulman by Guillaume Ivernel
senior compositor artist
July 2008 - August 2008
dressing graphism for show room and television.
Renault Mondial auto, Gulli Sims Kingdom, Orange.
senior compositor artist
Sparx Animation Studios
April 2008 - June 2008
senior compositor
January 2008 - February 2008
advertising, poweo, special K, SCI-Fi
senior compositor artist
Mac Guff
2005 - January 2008
- 99FRS by Ian Kounen
- Dragon Hunters by Guillaume Ivernel et Arthur Qwak
senior compositing artist
2002 - 2006
Paris Area, France
l'empire des loups de Chris Nahon
Monsieur N de Antoine Decaunes
Soulman de Guillaume Ivernel