Captain America: Super Soldier

Video Game 2011
Remi Larroque
Lead Compositor
Worked on Blue Eye Samurai, The Monkey King, Cracké Family Scramble, and 21 other projects.
Cait Campbell
Stereoscopic Animator
Worked on Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Titanic, Jurassic Park, and 4 other projects.
Thomas Middleton
Digital Compositor
Worked on Lift, I'm a Virgo, The Flash, and 55 other projects.
Daniele Federico
Core Pipeline Developer / Pipeline TD
Worked on Rain or Shine, Gravity, Guardians of the Galaxy, and 8 other projects.
Rafal Kaniewski
Compositor & CTD
Worked on Dog Man, The Rig, Vigil, and 42 other projects.
Damien Thaller
Art Direction / Concept Art / Matte Pain
Worked on Sleeping Dogs, Land of Bad, Old Dads, and 71 other projects.

Studio credits