I'm a well-rounded artist with years of professional experience working in the design and animation industry. I've done everything from graphic design & motion graphics to animatics and 3D character animation. My passion for art and my personal ambition to create and grow allows me to have the ability to adapt well to any situation or environment.
Work History
Rooster Teeth Productions
November 2015 - January 2020
Freelance Animator
Freelance Designer & Animator
September 2014 - November 2015
Sears Holdings Corporation
April 2013 - August 2014
Created 2-3 minute animations for internal training that is used throughout the company. I create everything from the concept and storyboard level to the final animation.
Character Animator
High Voltage Software
June 2012 - December 2012
● Provided key frame and motion capture clean up for facial and body animation on various game cinematics and in game animation
● Exported animation from 3DS Max to in-game engine
● Motion capture clean up that included making large re-timing changes and seamlessly blending moves in and out of idle poses
Graphic Designer
Windy City Novelties
September 2006 - June 2012
Vernon Hills, Illinois
● Created product videos and flash animation for the web
● Photographed and retouched images of products
● Produced promotional material for print publications, trade shows, and social media
● Designed logos and packaging
● Created web graphics and banners
Interactive Designer/Animator
The M3 Group
April 2006 - August 2006
● Responsible for design and creation of interactive training modules
● Created motion graphics and 3D animations
Animation Intern
Red Eye Studio
December 2005 - March 2006
● Assisted with post-production and motion capture tracking