Modeling, Texturing & Lighting for commercial projects utilizing Arnold, Maya, Mari & ZBrush
Freelance Texture Artist/Look Dev
Anderson Productions
August 2014 - October 2014
Portland, Oregon Area
Character look dev, surfacing, texturing & lighting
Freelance Texture Artist
October 2013 - July 2014
Portland, Oregon Area
Modeling, Texturing & Lighting for commercial projects at LAIKA/house utilizing Arnold, Maya, Mari & ZBrush
Fox Sports Graphic Toolkit, Lighting & Texture Artist
M&Ms; Cinema Trailer, Texture Artist
International Delight “Bottle Renovation”, Texture Artist
M&Ms; print projects, Modeler & Texture Artist
Honey Nut Cheerios, Modeler & Texture Artist
Shaw Cable, Texture Artist
*Undisclosed animated short '13-’14, Texture Artist
Freelance 3D Production Artist
March 2013 - December 2013
Portland, Oregon Area
Freelance Texture Artist
Delirium Studio
May 2013 - June 2013
Portland, Oregon Area
Textured environments for Mastercard commercial
Freelance 3D Artist
Dreadful LLC.
October 2011 - April 2012
Norwalk, CT
Provided VFX work for the "The Penny Dreadful Picture Show" I mainly focused on 2 big projects including a virtual NYC from the 60's and a CG Haunted Theater on a hill. I completed both 3D Environment projects from initial concept to final render including modeling, texturing, lighting and camera layout/placement.
Freelance 3D Artist
World Wrestling Entertainment
October 2011 - October 2011
Stamford, CT
Modeled 3D Environment for upcoming show on new WWE Network
3D Environment and Character VFX Artist
Imaginarium LLC.
June 2010 - September 2011
Norwalk, CT
Provided VFX work for the feature film "Dorothy & The Witches of OZ" I mainly focused on 3D Environments, Camera Layout and Previs but also contributed some animation, rigging, texturing, lighting and modeling.
Senior Graphic Designer
Idea Nuova, Inc.
January 2007 - June 2010
Home goods product designer for both generic and licensed departments in juvenile, tween and teen
Freelance Graphic Designer
Nine West Group
2008 - 2010
Worked closely with Vice President of Design and Development to create graphic assets for Dockers, Mootsies Tootsies, Sam & Libby and Nine West Kids shoes