Various VR Gamified training apps, spanning 7 years. Clients: Network Rail, General Electric, Rio Tinto, ABB, Statefarm, Zurich
+ Mafia 3 - Environmental Assets
+ Armoured Aces Model & Texturing of Tanks
+ Call of Duty Strike Team - iOS
+ Disney Epic Mickey 2 for Consoles
+ Call of Duty Black ops Zombies - iOS
+ Sodium 2 Game for Playstation Home + Uncharted 2 Home Space for Playstation Home
+ Assassins Creed 2 - Home Space and Apartment for Playstation Home + Warhawk - Home Apartment for Playstation Home
+ Rogue Warrior + Shellshock 2 Blood Trails + The Simpsons - PS2
+ Killzone 2
+ Stateshift - PSP