Megan Deane

Megan Deane

Supervisor Lighting Artist / Supervisor VFX Supervisor / 14 yrs

Dallas, TX United States

Hire Me

Lighting & Compositing Artist

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Compositor / Lighter / Look Development / Modeler / Rigger / Technical

The Raven (2018)

CG Supervisor / Compositor

I Am a Witness (2015)

CG Supervisor / Digital Effects / Lighter / Look Development / Modeler

Taking Flight (2015)

Compositor / Lead Technical Director / Lighter / Modeler / Rigger

The Numberlys (2015)

Technical Direction Supervisor

The Cask of Amontillado (2014)

Lead Technical Director / Prop Modeling & Texturing / Rigger / Senior

Silent (2014)

Technical Direction Supervisor

Lollipop 3: Eggs of Doom (2014)

Compositor / Lead Technical Director / Lighter / Modeler / Rigger / Te

The Scarecrow (2013)

Lighting/Compositing Artist

Morris Lessmore (2011)

Work History
  • CG supervisor

    Moonbot Studios

    August 2012 - November 2016

    CG Generalist department lead. Responsible for tasking artists, reviewing work, and completing tasks for modeling, rigging, shading, lighting, compositing, and effects.

  • Lighting/Compositing TD

    Moonbot Studios

    July 2010 - November 2016

    Specializing in Lighting and Compositing, although daily tasks can include any area of the pipeline, excluding animation.
    -The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

  • Ringling College of Art and Design

    2006 - 2010