3D animator available located for the moment in Montreal.
I wanted to be an animator since I'm a child, it's like a passion.
And after 3+ years of production with 3 big shows : SpongeBob / Doctor Dolittle and Clifford "The big red dog", I'm even more motivated than ever !
Work History
animator D
ON Animation Studios
February 2021 - December 2021
Montréal, Canada
3D Animator
Mikros Animation
December 2019 - April 2020
Montreal, Canada
Animator FX (key handed animation) On SpongeBob
key animator 3D
November 2019 - December 2019
Montréal, Québec, Canada
worked on the show : Clifford "the big red dog"
key animator
MPC - Montreal
September 2019 - November 2019
Montréal, Canada
Key artist animator on :
Cliffort : the Big Red Dog
animator 3d
O2o Studio
March 2017 - July 2019
Région de Saint-Malo, France
Animator on :
Millie : Tv Show
Bayala : Movie
Petit ours brun : Tv Show
3D animator
O2o Studio
November 2018 - July 2019
Région de Saint-Malo, France
Henrietta series
3D animator
O2o Studio
March 2018 - October 2018
Région de Saint-Malo, France
Movie : "Bayala"
Stage animation 3D
ZEILT Productions
November 2016 - December 2016
Stage d'animation 3D sur la série Barababor.
Formation animateur de personnage 3D
December 2015 - August 2016
Pôle image de liège
Formation faite par Waooh !
Cette formation vise à former des techniciens qualifiés dans le domaine de l’image et plus particulièrement de l’animation. A la fin de la formation le stagiaire aura appris très exactement ce qu'est une animation et sera capable de faire la différence entre une bonne et une mauvaise animation. Le stagiaire sera capable de comprendre les indications d'un réalisateur et sera à même d'utiliser les outils employés par la production quel que soit le logiciel.
Stage animation 3D
November 2015 - December 2015
Assistant Animation, mise en cache, animation de shots
Haute École Albert Jacquard (HEAJ)
September 2012 - June 2015
Région de Namur, Belgique
The programs I have most often used these last 3 years :
I learned modeling, uvs , texturing , rigging , animation, rendering on C4D.
I learned some softwares like ZBrush for my modeling.
-Maya for character animation , 3DS Max for modeling , Unity for real-time , Mari and 3D Coat for texturing ( monster TFE)
Also: Quixel , After Effect, Nuke and Sony Vegas.
3 months internship
January 2015 - April 2015
During the three months I learned to modelize in a new software : 3Ds Max I also used Vray .
I realized collectible objects ( fridges and umbrellas ) .
I greatly helped colleagues in their tasks.
I was able to do modeling of buildings , basic rigging, all kinds of modeling.
2 weeks internship
April 2012 - May 2012
During this internship , I realized jingles for programs from the TV.