Tight, expedient rotoscoping on a spot for a high-profile client under intense pressure and time restraints.
Visual Effects Artist
The Mill
January 2020 - January 2020
Culver City, CA
Rotoscoping work on a soon-to-be very renowned commercial.
Visual Effects Artist
December 2019 - December 2019
Greater Los Angeles Area
Compositing & paint (extensive background clean-up & beauty work) on commercial for H&R Block.
Visual Effects Artist
4 Max Post
November 2019 - November 2019
Toluca Lake, CA
Emergency, last-minute rotoscoping for upcoming TV show, for fixing & replacing video screens behind interior of and people inside moving vehicle.
Visual Effects Artist
October 2019 - October 2019
Marina del Rey, CA
Work on a short spot, but activated by a world event, so necessitating a period of being on-hold waiting for the triggering event, then going in at 4am the next day to do the work in one shift for the quick turn-around. Rotoscoping, in Nuke. Full body roto for a very active sports player, first pass in rough shapes to place the animation, then tightening or starting over to do tight roto for graphics behind and around the principal player.
Visual Effects Artist
August 2019 - September 2019
Marina del Rey, CA
Rotoscoping work, with paint, to fix artifacts from time-warping, and removing imperfections on image. Doing a lot with manipulating channels and delivering work in separate layer within same render.
Visual Effects Artist
August 2019 - August 2019
Santa Monica, CA
Roto, for that particular client. Experimenting with channels to put three or four passes into one render.
Visual Effects Artist
General Population
July 2019 - July 2019
Santa Monica, CA
Rotoscoping & keying on graphics for ZOMBIELAND: DOUBLE TAP.
Visual Effects Artist
Practical Magic
July 2019 - July 2019
Sun Valley, CA
Paint and rotoscoping to fix keyed matte for extraordinary project. Shot was over 11,000 frames, 60 frames a second, eight full-body figures dancing, costumes, including white formal dresses and cream-colored trousers, reflecting the background color, tape on floor, to be projected for a spectacular event overseas. For Angel Valley/Practical Magic.
Visual Effects Artist
Nomad Editing Company, Inc
April 2019 - May 2019
Santa Monica, CA
More roto for hands and fingers over a screen. Also some paint, for object removal. Used Nuke and Mocha (for tracking).
Visual Effects Artist
Harbor Pictures
March 2019 - April 2019
Santa Monica, CA
Initially brought in to do rotoscoping but also did boom mic removal, and one shot removing a shirt-mic using frame-to-frame paint over more than 200 frames. Used Nuke but also Mocha for rotoscoping, to pull fast mattes to give to Flame for beauty work.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
March 2019 - April 2019
Rotoscoping for high-profile client.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
January 2019 - February 2019
Santa Monica, CA
Complex roto on various shapes in numerous planes, including pulling complex tracks for background objects and lots of occluding shapes.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
Nomad Editing Company, Inc
December 2018 - January 2019
Greater Los Angeles Area
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
The Mill
August 2018 - September 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Detailed rotoscoping work for a very choosy client. Extensive full-body roto for figures in split-screens. Helped supervise by managing work by other artists and acting as a liaison with supervisor and producers.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
August 2018 - September 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Very detailed rotoscoping work, much like the last time, but starting from scratch.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
June 2018 - July 2018
Greater Los Angeles Area
Tightening previously-completed rotoscoping work, even down to sub-pixels, to make it as perfect as possible for compositing.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
Greenhaus GFX
May 2018 - June 2018
Culver City, CA
Quick roto for a title/credits sequence on an upcoming animated feature.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscope & Paint
April 2018 - May 2018
Greater Los Angeles Area
Rotoscoping for end-of-season TV shows and pilots.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
March 2018 - April 2018
Santa Monica, CA
Rotoscoping on a top-secret commercial for a very particular client.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping & Paint
Digital Domain
February 2018 - March 2018
Playa del Rey, CA
Incredibly precise roto & paint, on features. Post-viz (AQUAMAN tests) to quality over quantity (AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR).
Rotoscope/Paint artist
September 2017 - December 2017
Van Nuys, CA
Rotoscoping on a wide variety of television projects, often under very tight deadlines.
Rotoscope Artist
August 2017 - September 2017
Santa Monica, CA
Rotoscoping on a commercial for a particular client.
Rotoscope Artist
Dilated Pixels
June 2017 - July 2017
Hollywood, CA
Support roto, for isolating character elements for use in background, for upcoming feature. Work was fast and rough, which was necessary for the low-res and minimal-detail nature of the composite. Used Nuke as well as AfterEffects, on a very basic level.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
4 Max Post
January 2017 - June 2017
Greater Los Angeles Area
Rotoscoping work on feature and show, ranging from quick, rough temp roto to screen-ready work. Tasks included articulate, feature-ready roto to replace background behind two moving, talking people in a clip of 2,104 frames.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
December 2016 - January 2017
Greater Los Angeles Area
Rotoscoping on two very high-profile, non-conventional projects totaling a great many hours of work.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
CBS Digital
October 2016 - November 2016
Greater Los Angeles Area
Rotoscoping on a variety of television shows, under a quick deadline for air. Also fixed another artist’s comps, following notes from the supervisor.
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
Electric Theatre Collective
September 2016 - October 2016
Santa Monica, CA
Rotoscoping on a high-profile commercial for a very particular client. Work turned around and completed in less than 24 hours from air. (Was called cold at 7pm on a Tuesday night, was there at 9:30 that night, and worked until 5 the next morning. Continued that 9pm-5am shift for the duration of the project.)
Visual Effects Artist: Rotoscoping
Brand New School
August 2016 - September 2016
Hollywood, CA
Rotoscoping of exterior and interior of cars. A short gig to help out an immediate issue.