Mark Lee

Mark Lee

Senior Software Engineer at DreamWorks Animation

Senior rendering engineer / 28 yrs

Los Angeles, CA

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Work History
  • Senior Software Engineer

    DreamWorks Animation

    January 2012 - Present
  • College student

    College of the Canyons

    September 2011 - December 2011

    Took classes to revise calculus and linear algebra.

  • Principal Programmer

    Insomniac Games

    January 2010 - September 2011

    - Played a large part in the design and architecture of our next-gen cross-platform rendering engine across the PS3, xbox360, and PC. This was built from the ground up with a focus on highly dynamic worlds, physically based HDR lighting and realistic material reflectance.
    - Rendering team lead. Managed a team of graphics programmers, liaised with artists and other content creators to gather requirements and build consensus.
    - Multi-threaded, re-projection based dynamic software occlusion pipeline.
    - VPL based prototypes for global illumination.
    - Games shippled: Resistance 3.

  • Senior Programmer

    Insomniac Games

    May 2005 - December 2009

    - General tasks included implementing a linear light pipeline in our old engine and helping artists transition over to work in this new environment.
    - Rendering tasks included switching our forward renderer to deferred, low-level RSX profiling, debugging and optimization, implementing a high quality SSAO scheme based on re-projecting the previous frame's results on the GPU, and real-time caustics on SPU.
    - Tools based work included writing a custom Maya UV unwrapping plugin, the light mapping pipeline, and a PERL based shader building pipeline, which would automatically try out hundreds of permutations of each shader and pick the most optimal.
    - Games shipped: Resistance 1 and 2, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time.

  • Programmer

    Oddworld Inhabitants

    October 2001 - March 2005

    - Responsible for many aspects of our renderer including low-level state management, the material system, runtime shader generation, the geometry, skeletal and material LOD systems, water rendering, full screen post processing effects, and foliage rendering.
    - Designed and implemented all aspects of the audio engine. Worked closely with the sound designers to find solutions for our audio requirements, which included supporting very large amounts of audio content, transparent lip-sync on all speech, and exposing all functionality to designers in an intuitive fashion.
    - Responsible for our animation pipeline including integrating Granny into our code base, writing MEL scripts on the Maya side and creating user-friendly previewing tools on the runtime side.
    - Games shipped: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.

  • Technical Director


    September 1999 - August 2001

    - Architect and primary implementer of our internal next-generation graphics engine on the Xbox1 and PC.
    - Responsible for setting and maintaining internal coding conventions and standards.
    - Responsible for overseeing and guiding the lead programmers with their respective projects.

  • Programmer


    August 1996 - August 1999

    - Worked with two other programmers on the title. As a result, each person handled many aspects of the game. Responsibilities included the ASM polygon rendering code, the scripting language, the audio engine, the 3DS MAX exporter, and MFC tools.
    - Games shipped: Speed Freaks / Speed Punks (US). A cartoon/combat style racing game published by Sony on the PS1.

  • graphics programmer

    DreamWorks Animation

    ? - Present