Bespoke pipeline solutions and third party software integration for vfx and feature animation productions.
Lead Pipeline Developer
April 2013 - August 2014
Maintaining legacy code, and management.
external development contractor
2014 - 2014
Ftrack's pipeline integration and custom development.
Senior Pipeline Developer
Reliance MediaWorks
October 2011 - March 2013
Pipeline Developer for core and show tools for multi site asset system, in distributed agile team.
- Development , documentation and maintenance of asset system API.
- Development , documentation and maintenance of pipeline base tools for software management.
- Development and maintenance of Qt/Web based application for asset system, and proprietary tools.
- Development and Integration of asset system in major applications (Nuke/Maya).
- Integrations of core libraries for pipeline integration with major application (Qt, Python, PySide, etc..).
- Development and maintenance of internal web tools for image processing and storage.
- Development and integration of pipeline tools with shotgun.
- Research and Development on NoSql solutions for cloud asset system.
- Research end integration of open source solutions.
April 2009 - September 2011
Wrath of titans::
Lead show pipeline Td
Jonny English 2 :
Show Pipeline Support
War Horse ::
Leading and looking after the project, developing tools to help artists in their daily works.
Your Highness ::
Leading and looking after the project, developing tools to help artists in their daily works.
VFx "Assetization" and development.
Avatar ::
Handled the development of the Quality Control Render System
Tool development and pipeline extension
Prince Of Persia Sand Of Time ::
Helped out to render the internal cache for the sand room shots
sr.Pipeline TD
Rainbow CGI
January 2008 - May 2009
For the second movie , created new , and more robust workflow with python , ported old ( but useful ) tools , from mel to python.
created a wrap method to make aviables python commands to mel .
Start a primitive versioning and traking of tasks ( without database ).
Rewrite the Rig system with python , to modularize and proceduralize it.Start creating an abstraction layer to the software to make the whole pipeline, platform and software indipendent.
Pipeline , Visual Fx TD
Rainbow CGI
January 2007 - December 2007
Create and develop and manage pipeline for the first movie,
winx, developing basic tools for content management and workflow for all proces , within maya with mel.
Create tools and Vfx shots for 2 of the 6 winx main transformations, (stella and layla)
Generalist Td , R&D
October 2005 - February 2006
Extend the open source lipsync software papagayo , to make it aviable to export files to xsi,max and maya.
Generalist Td
Cartoon ONE
2006 - 2006
Created basic content to contain a speedup short animation production .Develope a simple content management to manage it.All scripted with mel.Worked on shading , and lighting dept and support with various script , to simplify tasks.
Fulmini e Leopardi
2005 - 2006
For a French animated serie, key by key until the end...
Maya Teacher (base and advanced)
Scuola Internazionale di Comics
2005 - 2006
driven the classes from zero to a small production , following all the steps needed in a animation production .
3d artist
2005 - 2006
video graphic for commercials and 3d generalist
Vfx Td
Bottega Cinema
2005 - 2005
Vfx for Varius Commercials for TV.
generalist Td
lcd Intermedia Agency
2000 - 2003
Started as 3d generalist , and continued as TD , for the Opopomoz movie, developing a really basic shots manager , and vfx tools , for the movie.