Kurt Kaufman

Kurt Kaufman

Thematically motivated concept artist and designer

Senior Concept Designer / Senior Concept Artist / 21 yrs

United States

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My foundation in industrial design has been an important element of my approach to entertainment art and design. I have worked with and for some of the leading visionaries in the entertainment industry, Including Film, Theme Parks, Games, and advertising. My primary role has been in the initial concept phase.
Work History
  • Concept Artist

    Massive Black

    March 2023 - May 2023

    Outer Worlds

  • Concept Artist and Designer


    January 2010 - Present
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Work in TV, film, advertising, games, and other concept and pitch work. Clients include: AOA/Lyft, Art Center College of Design,
    2K games, Bungie - Destiny, Cloud Imperium Games - Star Citizen, DreamWorks - Peabody & Sherman, Digital Domain, Entertainment Design Company - DPR Motiongate theme park, Fisker Inc., Gentlemen Scholar, Google - internal workspace, Impulse Gear, Lightstream - The Kings Daughter, Motion Picture Company - BMW, Dodge - Ram TRX, Netflix - Krypton, Lost In Space, Red Accent - Metalbirds, The Mill - Abbot, AT&T, Audi, Budweiser, Door Dash, Dupixent, Gentlemen Scholar, Gillette, GMC, Google - Apollo, Grey Goose, Henesey, Januvea, Lincoln, Lowes, Monster, Northrop Grumman, Ralph Lauren, Repatha, Schick, Service now, Toyota. Tippett Studios, Skills: Concept Development · Concept Design · Design · Creative Problem Solving · Concept Art

  • Concept Artist

    AOA productions

    December 2022 - January 2023


  • Concept

    Fisker Inc

    May 2021 - May 2022
  • Concept Designer

    Tippett Studio

    February 2018 - October 2018
  • Freelance

    April 2018 - July 2018
  • Concept Artist

    Industrial Light & Magic

    August 2012 - April 2013
    San Francisco

    I worked in the art department doing concepts for various projects and pitches. Most notably a pitch for the Neil Stevenson story "Snow Crash" and a short but sweet stint on SW EPVII.

  • Concept Artist

    Industrial Light & Magic

    January 1990 - January 2013
    San Rafael Ca.

    Star Wars, Jurassic Park

  • Art Director


    June 2008 - November 2010
    Novato California

    As Art Director, I worked closely with the Production Designer creating images that would communicate the directors vision to the production team. This would include everything from pencils drawings, 3D models, to very representative "Keyframe" art. I primarily did sets and environments.

  • Concept Artist

    Image Movers Digital

    January 2006 - January 2010
    Novado, CA

    A Cristamas Carol, Mars Needs Moms

  • Concept Artist

    Ice Blink Studios

    June 2004 - June 2007

    At Ice Blink, I did Concept Design and Key Frame Art, for Art Direction on Polar Express, Monster House, War Of The Worlds, and Beowulf.

  • IceBlink Studio

    June 2005 - September 2005
  • Concept Art, Story Boards, Matte Painter

    Industrial Light and Magic - Lucas Films

    January 1997 - January 2002
    San Rafael, California

    During this period I worked at the Skywalker Ranch in the Star Wars art department on EPIⅈ and at ILM in the Matte Department including work on EPIⅈ, Wild Wild West, Jurassic Park 3, Gangs of New York.

  • Lucasfilm

    January 1997 - January 1998
  • Art Director

    The 3DO Company

    January 1993 - June 1995
    Redwood City, California

    Art Directed The video game "Zhadnost, the Peoples Party"

  • Tippett Studio

    ? - Present
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) in Industrial Design (transportatio

    Art Center College of Design

    ? - ?