Medal of Honor Franchise Technical Art Director – Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (PC)
Medal of Honor Franchise Technical Art Director / Tool Developer – Medal of Honor:Rising Sun (PS2, XBox, NGC)
Technical Art Director / Art Direc
Tool Developer
Nueart Pictures
June 1999 - August 1999
MAXScript tool development for use in CG film production Aero Troopers
3D Animator
Pyros Pictures
January 1996 - May 1996
3D Animator. Contributed artwork for Activisions ZORK: Nemisis, Virgin Interactives Baseball, as well as other projects including including various forensic, architectural, and industrial videos.
Lead 3D Animator
Philips Studio Interactive
March 1993 - January 1996
Lead 3D Animator, Modeller. Titles include TIME-LIFE Astrology (CD-I, Mac, and PC CD-ROM versions), Solar Rage , Point to Point Navigator, Fun With Electronics, Interactive Diner, and Mr. Rogers.
Modeller / Animator
Quantum Axcess
April 1994 - August 1994
Creation of all museum visuals and animation for Wire Head Virtual Media Galerie CD-ROM title.
Bethesda Softworks
July 1992 - August 1993
3D animation work for PC game software. Titles include The Terminator: Rampage, and The Elder Scrolls: Arena.
3D animation work for PC game software. Titles include The Terminator 2029, Wayne Gretzky Hockey 3, and Hockey League Simulator 2.