- Character/Creature Design
- Player Equipment design
- FX Concepts
- Quest illustrations and background texture card paintings
Concept Artist
Junction Point Studios
May 2011 - May 2012
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
• Visual Development, Production, and Marketing Art
• Principal Concept Artist on various levels
• Lighting paintover illustrations
• Texturing, 2D UI icons, maps and asset creation
• Mentoring associate artists and interns
Concept Artist
Disney Interactive Studios
May 2011 - May 2012
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
• Visual Development, Production, and Marketing Art
• Principal Concept Artist on various levels
• Lighting paintover illustrations
• Texturing, 2D UI icons, maps and asset creation
• Mentoring associate artists and interns
Senior Concept Artist
Killspace Entertainment
May 2010 - October 2010
-Yar's Revenge (XBLA/PSN/PC 2011)
• Visual Development and Production Art for original IP's
• Created Character and Level Layouts
• Game-in-Frame illustrations with HUD variations
• Gameplay storyboards for Boss fights and unique in-game events
• Created 2d assets for teaser cinematic
• 3D environment paint-overs for in-game visual target illustrations
• Minor art director roles, concept art pdf documentation and junior concept artist mentoring
• Participated and collaborated in Story/Level/Design meetings with Producer, Creative Director and
Game Desig
Background Illustrator
5 Elements Entertainment
January 2010 - September 2010
Txt Fighter- IOS game
Background Concept artist on iphone game, creating fully illustrated environment backgrounds along with various parallaxing assets.
April 2010 - April 2010
- Voodoo Dice Box Art Illustration
Concept Artist
February 2009 - April 2009
Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgement (Cinematic assets)
Fantasy Flight Games
January 2007 - January 2009
Freelance illustration
-Warhammer 40k RPG
-Warhammer 40k Board game
-A Game of Thrones Trading Card Game
Concept Artist
7 Studios
December 2005 - October 2008
Visual Development, concept art, and storyboarding for studio projects and pitches
-Scratch: The Ultimate DJ (Xbox 360/PS3 2009)
-Six Flags Fun Park (Wii/DS 2008)
-George of the Jungle (DS 2007)
-Napoleon Dynamite (DS/PSP 2007)
-Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer (PS2/Wii/DS June 2007)
-Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow 2 (PS2 Cancelled 2007)
-Sopranos: Road to Respect (PS2 2006)
-Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow (PS2 2006)
and various internal development pitch packages for 7 Studios
Upper Deck
May 2007 - May 2007
Illustrations for the World of Warcraft Collectible Card Game.