FX TD - Last Resort, The Frontier, Scorpion, Powers, Agents Of Shield 2011, 2012, 2015
worked on several underwater submarine dust impacts, dust storm, several rain fog/mist layers.
FumeFx, Rayfire, Thinking particles.
FX Artist
May 2012 - October 2012
August 2008 - October 2008 - FX Artist - 2012 Feature
FX Artist
Star trek
FX Artist
Blur Studio
February 2011 - April 2011
FX Lead
Tigar Hare Studios
May 2010 - July 2010
FX Lead - Activision Apache Air Assault game cinematic
numerous fume setups for all kind of fx.
FX Lead
LLP Digital
April 2009 - August 2009
LLP Digital – FX Lead on NBC miniseries The Storm. FumeFx was used to create tornado, clouds and the dust storm.
Used Maya for rain and snow effects.
Thinking particles was used to create building destruction shots,rain impacts and for the tornado debris passes
FX Artist
Blur Studio
October 2008 - January 2009
FX Artist- Wolfenstein 2, Wolverine and Terminator Salvation
several smoke/fire setups. Tp setups
FX Artist
The Molecule
January 2008 - January 2008
FX Artist
Royal Battle - Feature
Dell hall Video
November 2003 - February 2004
Dell hall Video production, Chicago
Orbis broadcast, Chicago