I have a 2D & 3D animation background, working in VFX as well. I've worked on a few short films and a few live action films.
Work History
Layout Artist
June 2021 - September 2022
Pinocchio, Disenchanted
Layout Artist/Animator
Anamon Studios
March 2019 - June 2021
San Francisco Bay Area
Helped out in an awesome short film
Creative Manager
ARK Investment Holdings Ltd
September 2015 - December 2016
London, United Kingdom
- Created presentation packs for the business
- Created and maintained their website and branding
Creative director
Chewy Junior UK (under The Little Red Dot Ltd)
August 2011 - May 2013
Embankment, Brent Cross
Oversaw most creative aspects when we brought and opened a bakery franchise from Singapore, a very new concept for Europe making large choux buns with various toppings and flavoured creams.
We had a shop in Embankment, then moved to Brent Cross for a few months.