John Mahoney

John Mahoney

Senior Concept Artist / 24 yrs

Los Angeles, CA

Hire Me

Figure Drawing/ Character Design Profess

Treasure Planet (2002)

Figure Drawing/ Character Design Profess

Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)

Creature Designer

Mimic (1997)

Software Clear


Hasbro – Zbrush Sculptor – on Avengers & Jurassic World
Lucasfilm – Singapore & San Francisco – Creativity Professor
Disney Features – on ten films as – Visual Development Artist
Blizzard – Zbrush and Sculpture Professor
Warner Bros. – Visual Development Artist
Miramax Films – Creature Designer
Cartoon Network – Color Designer
Disney Imagineering – Concept sculptor
Jib Jab Studio – Sculptor
SOFA Studio Taiwan – Art Director/Visual Consultant
Stan Winston School of Character Arts – Zbrush
Work History
  • Zbrush/Sculptor Instructor

    Blizzard Entertainment

    June 2013 - Present
  • On-Line Portfolio Development Instructor


    2012 - Present

    I developed CalArts first on-line class.

  • Concept Design Professor

    University of Southern California

    2011 - Present

    We do creative life drawing, character design, prop creation drawing, drawing from film, and portfolio development.

  • Zbrush Instructor


    2011 - Present

    I teach Zbrush from the ground up. Goal is for students to have several sculpts for there demo reel by the end of the term.

  • Sculpture Professor


    2003 - Present

    We work with Chavant Clay, Sculpey, Wed Clay, and mixed media to create original characters.

  • Illustration Professor


    2001 - Present

    We draw from films one week and draw from costume models for the other weeks to let students fully explore there creativity.

  • Writer Director

    Seven Dollar Productions

    January 2000 - Present

    Produced over 20 short films and one indi feature film.

  • Zbrush Instructor

    Stan Winston School of Character Arts

    January 2013 - March 2013

    I did a six hour demo DVD from one of my creature designs.

  • Zbrush Instructor

    University of Southern California

    October 2011 - December 2012

    Intro to Zbrush.

  • Zbrush Instructor

    Westwood College of Technology

    July 2012 - September 2012

    I teach Zbrush from the ground up. Goal is for students to have several sculpts for there demo reel by the end of the term.

  • Idea Concept Professor


    June 2008 - August 2008

    I taught Concept Sculpture, Creative Figure Drawing, and Film Design, and Creative Writing, in an intensive 2 month program at Lucasfilm Singapore. I had an opportunity to meet George Lucas and he was very excited about the project. I hope to continue to work with Lucasfilm in the near future.

  • Concept Art lecture/workshop

    Art Center College of Design

    January 2008 - January 2008

    Lecture on how to keep inspired and embrace your passions while building your career path.

  • Film Design Professor

    Lucasfilm, Animation Singapore

    2008 - 2008

    We studied classic film design and it's relation to modern film making.

  • Production Design Professor

    Gnomon School of Visual Effects

    2004 - 2007

    Intro the the world of Production Design. We drew and painter from DVD still frames from some of the masters of film.

  • Art Director Visual Consultant

    SOFA Studio Taiwan

    November 2006 - December 2006

    I went to Taiwan to help design current CG animated film.

  • Character Animation Co-Director


    2004 - 2005

    Helped run the Character animation Department.

  • Sculptor

    Jib Jab Studio

    September 2004 - September 2004

    Nasty Santa sculptures for snow globe product.

  • Figure Drawing/ Character Design Professor


    January 2001 - January 2004
  • Concept sculptor

    Walt Disney Imagineering

    November 2003 - November 2003

    Concept sculpture for California Adventure.
    theme park.

  • Background Designer

    Icebox Animation Studio

    January 2002 - January 2003

    Did background design on Zombie College and several other Flash internet cartoons.

  • Character Design Professor

    Academy of Art University

    June 2002 - September 2002
  • Visual Development Artist

    Walt Disney Animation Studios

    June 1998 - 2002

    Worked as concept designer on 10 feature films including: Treasure Planet, Atlantis, and Emperor's New Groove.

  • Color stylist

    Cartoon Network

    January 2000 - February 2000

    Did color styling on current tv show.

  • Animator

    MTV Networks

    October 1997 - November 1997

    Animated four cartoon characters for "Carnival of Shadows" TV pilot

  • Creature Designer

    Miramax Films

    February 1997 - February 1997

    Did concept drawings for the film Mimic.

  • Animation Intern

    Walt Disney Animation Studios

    1996 - 1996
  • Storyboard Artist

    J. Walter Thompson

    March 1995 - March 1995

    Storyboarded nine TV commercials.

  • Visual Development Artist

    Warner Bros. Animation

    January 1995 - February 1995

    Did Visual Development on King Tut.

  • Portraiture Artist for Bloomingdales NYC

    Shu Uemura Cosmetic Company

    October 1991 - October 1991
  • Lisa Robertson: Acting for Film and Theater

    2005 - 2005
  • University of California, Berkeley

    2002 - 2002
  • Associates in Art: Background Painting

    2001 - 2001
  • Jordu Schell Sculpture Studio

    2001 - 2001
  • Robert McKee Script Writing

    2000 - 2000
  • University of California, Berkeley

    2000 - 2000
  • Art Center College of Design

    1999 - 1999
  • David Passalaqua School for Illustration

    1990 - 1995
  • New York University

    1994 - 1994
  • Fashion Institute of Technology

    1993 - 1993
  • Pratt Institute

    1989 - 1992
  • Art Instruction Schools

    1986 - 1988