Senior artist in CG asset development. Modelling, Sculpting, Fur, Hair, lookdev and shading.
Specializing in creature & horror lookdev
Currently seeking short term remote work ( 2 - 4 weeks )
Experienced in lead and supervisory roles.
Work History
Available Now // Senior VFX 3D Artist
2018 - Present
Pixel Zoo
January 2021 - January 2021
model and texture artist
Visual Effects Artist
January 2020 - August 2020
Senior CG artist, pretty much did everything except for rigging and comp
3D Lead ( assets )
Cutting Edge
July 2017 - April 2018
Currently leading a team of awesome artists on a secret DocuDrama.
Light Lead / 3D Artist
Cutting Edge
January 2016 - April 2018
Feature Film and Television.
Nest: Light Lead, Creature & Environment Concept Artist, Creature, Character & Environment artist.
Underworld: Blood Wars (2016) - Lighter, Modeler, FX TD, Compositor
Powers Season 2 - 3D artist ( Generalist & CG Sequence lead )
CG Generalist - Pan, Tarzan, Gods of Egypt
Rising Sun Pictures
November 2014 - June 2015
Adelaide, Australia
Modeller - Poly modelling of organic and hard surface environments and props from concept images and reference photos.
Zbrush and mudbox surfacing, sculpting and texturing of organic and hard surface assets.
Maya / Zbrush / Mudbox / Mari
Lighting TD - Beauty shot lighting of environments, digidoubles, FX Simulations and vehicles. Trouble shooting scene/asset and render errors. Creating and optimising multi-pass, light masking render passes, working with compositors to deliver shot finals. Creative lighting for look development.
Houdini / Mantra / Arnold / Maya
Processing and developing pipeline tools for processing of raw onset HDRI's for use with Houdini and Mantra. Developed custom Nuke plugin for color balancing of HDRI.
Nuke / ptGui
Tracking and Matchmove/Model and Texture Artist
Luma Pictures
July 2014 - October 2014
Melbourne, Australia
Groom and hair artist
CG Character Modelling Artist
Tracking and Matchmove Artist
Freelance VFX and 3D Artist
October 2011 - September 2014
As a VFX artist I can deliver camera matchmoves and mid level compositing and lighting for Film and TV.
As a 3D artist I specialize in creating photo reel CG animals and stylised characters for animation. I am a capable generalist in most areas of 3D and have produced full 3D characters for animation features.
Matchmove and Tracking Artist
Luma Pictures
March 2014 - June 2014
Matchmove and Camera Tracking for Hollywood feature films.
Current Projects: Guardians of the Galaxy, Heart of the Sea
Past Projects: Captain America, The Winter Soldier
Tracking and Matchmove Artist
Luma Pictures
December 2013 - January 2014
Show : Captain America 2 - The Winter Soldier
Responsibilities -
- Preparing undistortion plates and lens distortion calculation,
- Solving a variety of 3D Camera tracks with Syntheyes,
- Solving difficult hand held and no parallax shots using tripod solves.
- Object tracking with Syntheyes.
- Proxy set modelling based on point cloud data from camera solve.
- Delivering final camera and object solves to compositor and layout artists using pipeline tools.
- Matchmove animation of Human characters for 3D FX interaction and wound replacement.
- Matchmove rigid objects such as weapons, cars and debri.
Delivered all shots on time and was the sole tracker for the last week of the project.
Bonus: Modeled,textured and shaded paper pamphlet for additional FX in car crash scene.
Rapix Media
December 2013 - December 2013
Compositor for the new Dami Im music video "Alive", Task included, tracking, rotoscope, screen replacement and composite. Tools: Nuke
Pre Visualization Artist
July 2013 - December 2013
Brisbane, Australia
Currently in pre-production, I am a previz artist assisting director in shot planning, camera layout, animation blocking and basic set layout.
Cyan Eyed -
- Camera layout using matchmoved and keyframed camera with 3D Equalizer and Maya / 3DS Max.
- Blocking character poses and timing.
- Preparing playblasts for dailies and asset management.
- Debugging 3DS Max > Maya round trip workflow using CAT > HUMANIK
- Working on review shots and finalling shots.
Lead Lighter & Shading Artist
What Comics Entertainment
February 2011 - December 2013
Greater Los Angeles Area
Responsible for the main bulk of lighting and look development of the Cerebus 3D animated feature. Working directly with the producer along with over 50 artists worldwide to achieve a CG realization of Dave Sim's epic cult comic "Cerebus the Aardvark".
The film environment spans from external epic mountain landscapes, dark forest and lairs and intimate indoor scenes and dark epic indoor environments.
Lighting required a lot of shader / texture balancing as well as faking global illumination as the show did not use GI or FG by placing manual lights.
I was also responsible for the majority of lead character shading development, taking the generic maya shaders and optimising them for mental Ray shaders.
As well as handling the lighting I have been contributed to modelling, rigging, hero dynamic shots, majority of hair systems used.
Trainee in rotoscopy and matchmoving
Rising Sun Pictures
2013 - 2013
Adelaide, Australia
Took part in a small selected team of trainees to learn and practice Rotoscoping and Matchmoving in a real production environment using real production plates from movies such as "Prometheus" "Harry Potter" "Burt Wonderstone" and "Hunger Games".
Tasks involved
Rotoscope of full body talents in motion
Rotoscope of hands flipping a coin
Rotoscope of Hair
Plate cleanup, such as dust busting, tracker removal and rotopaint.
Match move and track cameras and talents
Using Lidar scan to solve a track
Solving handheld tracks
Solving camera with minimal onset data
Solving camera with onset measurement
Importing solved camera into Maya and establishing scale and layout.
Basic compositing of CG creature into live action plate, using rotoscope mattes and render AOV's.
Freelance 3D Artist & Compositor
August 2011 - September 2011
Contracts to complete an animated 3D and motiongraphics piece for the Queensland Literary Awards 2011.
Autodesk maya entertainment suite and After Effects were the primary tools used to create 17 short animated sequences.
Oncall SEO
February 2009 - January 2011
search engine optimization campaign strategist.
Chief Editor / SEM content writer / General Manager
Li'l Engine
September 2009 - January 2010
Senior Helpdesk Analyst
University of Queensland
January 2000 - January 2006
Senior helpdesk analyst at UQ's Information Technology Services.