Unreal Authorized Instructor partner for Epic Games
Epic Games
October 2020 - Present
Orly, Île-de-France, France
Game & Level Design trainer, Unreal trainer
Ecole Georges Méliès
September 2018 - Present
Self learning Unreal4 and C++
Self learning Unreal4 and C++
November 2014 - Present
I decided to fly away from Don't Nod Entertainment and learn some new stuff.
It was a great experience, however I needed some change !
Time to get seriously on the technical part of Game Design and learn how to use new tools and new methods.
I am actually working on a turn based, multiplayer version of a board game using Unreal 4 technology.
Opened to short contracts (teleworked or not) in Game/Level Design. I am also giving GD/LD/Unreal courses.
Education Coordinator - Video games cursus -
Ecole Georges Méliès
September 2019 - August 2021
Orly, Île-de-France, France
Multimedia Developer - Unreal Engine 4
January 2020 - January 2020
Paris Area, France
4 days mission on an Unreal Engine 4 tool for immersive cinematic previsualization.
Game & Level Design trainer
November 2017 - June 2019
GD / LD theory and practice.
UnrealEngine specialization.
Students project consulting.
Technical Game Designer
La Rue Images
November 2017 - July 2018
Game/Level Designer on "Life is Strange" (published by Square Enix)
DONTNOD Entertainment
June 2014 - January 2015
Game design : Game subsystems, 3C ...
Level design and level integration
Game/Level Designer on "Remember Me" (published by Capcom)