Rigging and Game Development on Call of Duty franchise games
Character Rigging Supervisor
Marvel Studios
February 2022 - January 2023
Los Angeles, California, United States
Lead Creature TD
Sony Pictures Imageworks
November 2016 - February 2022
Sony Pictures Entertainment
July 2021 - October 2021
Python instructor - Scripting for production
Gnomon School of Visual Effects
July 2017 - June 2018
Hollywood, CA
I teach python scripting and tool creation to the new up and coming talent
Visual Effects Supervisor & Art Director
Atomic Garage Studios
April 2011 - December 2016
Greater Los Angeles Area
Character TD
Encore VFX
August 2016 - November 2016
character rigging td
Encore VFX
August 2016 - November 2016
Los Angeles, CA
Character FX
DreamWorks Animation
October 2013 - September 2016
Cloth, Hair, Fur, and Prop rigging for simulation
Dynamic simulations of soft and rigid bodies
Animation Finaling
Pipeline/Tool writer
3D Generalist
The Mill
August 2013 - October 2013
Greater Los Angeles Area
Look Development on creatures (Feathers)
Cloth/Hair TD
Sony Pictures Imageworks
March 2013 - August 2013
Culver City
Simulating cloth and hair with finaling details
Freelance Art Director
Inexile Games
December 2012 - May 2013
Character FX
DreamWorks Animation
May 2009 - February 2013
Cloth, Hair, Fur, and Prop rigging for simulation
Dynamic simulations of soft and rigid bodies
Animation Finaling
Pipeline/Tool writer
Senior Character FX
DreamWorks Animation
May 2008 - February 2013
Cloth, Hair, Fur, and Prop rigging for simulation
Dynamic simulations of soft and rigid bodies
Animation Finaling
Pipeline/Tool writer
Character TD / Animator
Sony Pictures Imageworks
December 2004 - May 2009
Culver City
Character Rigging
Animation Support
Pipeline / Tool creation
Integration Supervisor / FX Artist
Digital Domain
October 2002 - December 2004
Extensive On-Set Supervision and Survey experience
Character, Camera, Vehicle Rigging
Effects Animation (tornados, water simulation, ice destruction)
Camera layout and motion control rig experience
Character TD
Rhythm & Hues Studios
November 2001 - May 2002
Playa Del Ray
Skin deformation
Muscle creation
Skeletal adjustment
Tool scripting
Animation support
Integration Artist
Digital Domain
March 2001 - November 2001
Camera layout
On-set survey experience
Object and camera match-moving
Modeling from point clouds
Data management through pipeline
Scene setup in multiple packages
FX Artist / 3D Generalist
October 2000 - October 2000
Rigid body/Particle simualtions, Modeling, Texturing, animation, and compositing
Software: 3D Studio Max and After Effects
3D Generalist
I.C.T. (Institute for Creative Technologies)
June 2000 - October 2000
Playa del Ray
3D Concept prototyping and Animation short for studio opening
Rigid body/Particle simualtions, Animation, Modeling, Textures, Conceptual Art, and Storyboards
Software: Maya
Future Combat Systems (FCS) – US Army
Level Artist - Intern
Tremors Entertainment
August 1999 - May 2000
Create 3D models based on art design.
UV and texture environment