Specialized in New Media Industries and Innovative Digital Technologies since 1996, I am a generalist computer animation technical director. Even though I am specialized in Creature and Lighting technical direction, I do have interest and skills in each step of computer generated footage.
During my career, I have been exposed to numerous film making techniques and had to adapt to various different types of pipelines as well as I had to design and implement some. Now I see Immersive and Interactive Real Time experiences as a new major storytelling and entertainment media.
Work History
December 2019 - Present
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Head of Creatures & Performance Technology
The Future Group AS
December 2017 - August 2019
Oslo Area, Norway
Responsible for Design, Implementation & Deployment of a Production Pipeline
using Unreal Engine 4™ as final interactive output.
Responsible for Design, Implementation & Deployment of the Creatures & Performance Pipeline.
Responsible for delivery of final Unreal animated characters assets for the KDA Popstars Show.
Lighting TD | Product Engineer
September 2015 - June 2017
Montpellier Area, France
Core, end user specification & beta testing of Istropix Clarisse™ in tight collaboration with R&D engineers. Rising & tracking of feature requests/bugs/regressions
Development of production tools using Clarrisse.™ API.
Integration in client's production environments, staff Training, Content & Training material creation, online training & support.
Pipeline TD, Assets
Animal Logic
January 2015 - August 2015
Sydney, Australia
Handling of the unique challenges which arise in a Pipeline consisting of Assets made from
a library of Lego Bricks ( Schematic/Procedural Assets ).
Augmentation and prototyping of the asset pipeline. Ensuring stability in asset builds.
Gatekeeper of the production tool environments.
Liaising with R&D in finding solutions to technical issues and providing support for 50+ artists.
Liasing with downstream departments to resolve version conflicts and asset related rendering issues.
Head of Production Technology
October 2012 - September 2014
Paris ( France )
Responsible for a 40+ people pre-production team including Art / CG / RnD & IT.
Focused on assets interoperability, scene assembly with large amounts of data, lazy loading, dependencies & overrides handling within a non destructive collaborative workflow, the pipeline we designed had to remain as software agnostic and as seamless as possible. Bridges using metadata alongside with standard interchange formats helped us to mix several third party software packages within a unified production environment.
Specification of the data and production tracking services.
Supervision of the IT infrastructure, deployment of virtualized self-hosted secured services with a single ldap sign on such as: gitlab, wiki, mail, chat, calendar, self hosted file exchange service. Master/Slave remote and local ldap authentication. On and off site storage synchronization and backup.
Lighting TD | Product Engineer
The Bakery
January 2011 - February 2012
Gemenos (France)
GUI/end-user specification & beta testing of Relight™
Specification & beta testing of Alembic support.
Online support & training, content & training material creation.
Integration in clients production environments & staff training, integration with renderfarm managers ( DrQueue™, Muster™, Deadline™ ).
Cybergroup Studios (Paris), GDC ( Shenzhen, China )
Lighting TD
Walking The Dog
April 2010 - December 2010
Brussels Area, Belgium
Lighting Compositing pipeline design and implementation on the animated feature "A Monster In Paris"
xml based library implemetation for dumping / retrieving Softimage|XSI data
xml based batch rebuild of final layout scenes, queue manager for all batch rebuilders
Automated Pass Creation / Partition Feed in Softimage|XSI, Automatic Nuke Precomp trees with each asset in its own backdrop
Creature Technical Director
Industrial Light & Magic
November 2009 - March 2010
San Francisco Bay Area
Character Rigging (Creatures & Digital Doubles), Motion Capture Retargetting, Soft and Rigid
Dynamics Simulations, Final Layout Shots Rebuilding.
Rigging Supervisor
EuropaCorp - Bibo films
October 2006 - October 2009
Head of Performance Technology
Europacorp / The Pumpkin Factory
February 2008 - October 2009
Paris Area, France
Responsible for Design, Implementation and Deployment of the Rigging Framework & Animation Pipeline.
Head of Performance Technology
Europacorp / The Pumpkin Factory
December 2006 - January 2008
Paris Area, France
Character Development Lead
Specification & implementation of the automated Character Rigging solution
Animation Pipeline Engineer
CG Supervisor
August 2006 - November 2006
Greater New York City Area
Animation & Ligthing TD
Omation Studios
November 2005 - August 2006
Lighting & Pipeline TD
October 2005 - July 2006
San Clemente, California
Lighting / Compositing TD
Tools development for the Lighting / Compositing dept.
Shots Lighting & Compositing
Animation / FX TD
Delivery of Character Assets, Crowd shots setup
Tools development for the Animation dept.
Character Finaling TD
Shots finaling, tools development for the Final Layout dept.