I'm a technical supervisor for animated features, with a successful background in software engineering and expertise in working on both creative commercial products and in developing custom production software while collaborating on film projects. I've worked successfully as a developer, technical lead, project lead, development manager and technical production supervisor - managing teams of between 5 and 40 people.
I've spent the past few years working for a film production studio, prior to that with an animation software company, and before that in academia working in the realms of computer vision, scientific visualization, parallel computing and motion capture all of which continue to hold interest for me particularly given current synergy between many of those areas. I've published fairly widely over the years, spoken on subjects that have interested me, edited a computer graphics journal for some time and am co-inventor on a couple of patents related to animation and simulation.
Work History
Technical Supervisor
June 2009 - Present
2014 - 2015 : The Good Dinosaur
Simulation and Crowds Supervisor
Responsible for supervising the work of a tremendously talented team of artists and engineers who both developed the technology and process to create a wide range of animated visual elements in the film - vegetation/environmental motion, crowds choreography, flesh and skin simulation atop most of the hero characters, hair and cloth and several other special case elements - then utilized that technology with a custom pipeline to deliver an enormous quantity of high quality simulation work that is present in most shots of the film.
2013 - 2014 : Toy Story That Time Forgot
Shots Supervisor
(Global Technology, Crowds, Simulation, FX, Rendering)
2012 - 2013 : Toy Story of Terror!
Shots Supervisor
(Global Technology, Simulation, Effects, Rendering)
2009 - 2012 : Brave
Global Technology, Crowds and Rendering Supervisor
Responsible for supervising development of many film-specific cross-discipline technologies as well as the development, deployment and support of a new production pipeline. Pre-production and development in areas of pipeline, tools, crowd toolkit implementation, rendering and support.
Technical Director
January 2006 - May 2009
2009 : Toy Story 3
2008 : Up
2006 - 2007 : Ratatouille
Production Software Engineer
June 2002 - January 2009
2008 : Brave
2007 : WALL:E
2006 : Ratatouille
2005 : Cars
2003 : The Incredibles
2002 : Finding Nemo
I've worked as a software engineer, developing tools and technology mainly targeted toward the animation department within the studio, and as technical lead on project within that team. I'm currently working in production developing character technology for future features.
Development Manager, Project Leader, Developer
April 1995 - May 2002
Joined to work as developer on motion capture and virtual theatre applications with Softimage|3D, then moved to be project leader for animation on Softimage's next generation XSI product. Was also lucky enough to work as one of lead engineers on the animation mixer (with Glen Fraser), and with a great many talented individuals both within the tools animation team, and in the field. Latterly, worked as development manager for the interactive toolset on XSI v1.5 and 2.x, trying to help with the release at both tactical and strategic levels. Again, I was lucky to be able to work with a wide range of outrageously talented individuals.
March 1995 - March 2001
Edited SIGGRAPH's Computer Graphics newsletter for 6 years : worked to set up a new roster of columnists and maintain regular focus, trying to present high quality content each issue of interest to both technical and artistic folks, whilst also reworking the format and launching an online presence. Worked with a highly talented production editor and a great staff of freelance writers - here's an example issue : https://www.siggraph.org/publications/newsletter/v33n4/index.html
Software Engineer
1994 - 1995
Visualization Engineer
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
August 1991 - December 1994
Worked on visualization problems as well as parallel programming on (what were at the time!) supercomputers within the unit. Projects included the Paramics microscopic traffic simulator, as well as being involved in modular visualization environments use & customization (ran a worldwide user group at one point in time, and also guest edited an issue of the Computer Graphics magazine that I would later become editor of)
Research Assistant - Dept of Artificial Intelligence
University of Edinburgh
July 1990 - June 1991
Worked on the IMAGINEII model invocation and recognition system (computer vision)
DNV (Technica UK)
May 1989 - September 1989
I worked in a team building risk analysis software for the oil industry.