modeling, texturing, animation, lighting, compositing
Lighting and look Dev for various high-end electronic consumer products
Modeling, Texturing, Animation, Lighting, Compositing
Fume FX for maya, lighting, compositing
Maya rigging and animation.
Lighting, Texturing, Animation and Compositing
Model, Texture, Light, Render with VRAY for Maya, Composite (Commercial)
3D Lead Generalist, Model/Texture/Rig/Light
3D/2D Generalist - Commercials
Maya Lighter for a Nike Commercial
Starting up some amazing animation projects at Pistolera.
Game cinematics
Commercials for Sprint
LG Viewty Cel Phone: Modeled internal robot elements, background elements (stage, reactors, etc.).. large light rig behind robot..
Taylormade Golf commercial - 3D
Animated, lit rendered entire :30 spot for the Wedding Singer.
TV Promos, Feature Film Movie Packages. Software used: Cinema 4D, After Effects
Underworld Evolution :: Particles, Fluid Dynamics
Zales commercial :: 3D Jewelry animation :: After Effects compositing.