Gilles Ketting

Gilles Ketting

Senior Concept Artist / 20 yrs

Brighton, United Kingdom

Hire Me
Software Clear
Senior Concept artist for the game industry.
Work History
  • Senior Concept Artist & Illustrator

    The Creative Assembly

    August 2013 - December 2014

    Worked on concept art and illustrations for "Total War Battles: Kingdom" and "Total War: Arena".

  • Concept Artist


    August 2011 - July 2013

    Freelance Concept Artist & Visual Designer.

    Clients include:
    - Crazy Monkey Studios
    - Lucid Pixel
    - Rare
    - Het Aardrijk
    - Page Alchemist
    - Ubisoft

  • Marketing Illustrator


    November 2012 - June 2013

    Marketing Illustrator for Runescape and Transformers Universe Online.

  • Concept Artist

    Rare Ltd.

    March 2012 - April 2012

    Contract Concept Artist on an undisclosed project.

  • Concept Artist

    Massive Entertainment

    August 2010 - August 2011

    Worked on "Assassin's Creed; Revelation" and "Tom Clancy's; The Division"

  • Freelance Concept Artist

    Legendary 82

    July 2010 - August 2010

    A temporary position to bridge the month I was between jobs.

    Legendary 82 is a collective of freelancers in the creative industries.

  • Concept Artist

    Triumph Studios

    August 2008 - June 2010

    At "Triumph Studios" I worked as a Concept Artist and an Outsource Manager on Overlord 2 and on an unannounced project.

  • Concept Artist

    Pivotal Games

    January 2008 - August 2008

    I worked on an unannounced project until the company was closed down.

  • Freelance Artist

    (self employed)

    December 2006 - January 2008
  • Core Lab Associate

    Bio Imaging

    June 2007 - December 2007

    Data management, processing incoming medical image data.

  • Concept Artist

    Streamline Studios

    May 2005 - November 2006

    I worked at Streamline studios as a Concept and Texture Artist on the following titles:

    - Unreal 3
    - Gears of War
    - Saints Row
    - Overlord
    - Battlefiled 2142
    - X:3
    - Maelstrom

  • Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht

    2003 - 2004
  • Arts, Media and Technology, Hilversum

    2002 - 2003
  • Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam

    2000 - 2001
  • HAVO Aquino College, Leiden

    1995 - 2000